[After poking around a bit, Faize has eventually made his way down to the laptops. His thirst for knowledge has been ramped up several notches as a result of the event. This kind of thing is best done over a more secure network, and Jacob's already mentioned that the Malnosso are wary of researchers, and he doesn't want to be himself or anyone else in any kind of trouble.]
It's pretty amazing being a part of such a diverse population of people. As such, I have to admit that my curiosity is currently getting the better of me. I realize that several people are acting oddly of late, but I would certainly appreciate it if anyone could answer a few questions for me. In order to develop a greater understanding of the people around me, I'm trying to gather a bit more information. If you wish, you may filter your responses and they will be kept confidential. I may ask more questions about your experiences or your world, though I hope you don't find this to be a burden of any kind.
Name:Age:Duration of stay (approximately):World of previous residence (if it is named):Have others from your world come here?: Real Questions:
Would you consider your world technologically advanced? If so, are you proficient with it?:Can you perform magic? If so, what kind?:Are you skilled with any kinds of weapons?:Aside from defeating the Malnosso, do you have any other goals for Luceti?:Would you say you excel in a particular field? If so, what is it?:Are you interested in learning about/traveling to other worlds? If so, is it just curiosity, or do you have a specific reason?:If you were able to return home without consequence (as in Malnosso interference/demands), would you still want to keep in touch with people you've met in Luceti? Why or why not?:Despite the negative influence of the Malnosso, would you say that your stay in Luceti has had any kind of positive effect on you?: