Everyone, if I could have your attention --
Whatever you do, play dumb. Don't give out any information, or imply that you have any to give. Those are our captors, and they are only trying to bait you.
And please -- don't discuss anything over the journals in regards to the traitor Malnosso who are assisting us, whether it be written or spoken
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What 'bout meeting one or two people in person to talk about it? It'd still be off the record... but I haven't been here long enough to know if we're bein' that closely monitored even away from our journals.
How're you holdin' up with the current experiment goin' on?
... the experiment doesn't seem to have affected me particularly negatively, so well enough, I suppose. I wish there was a better way to get an accurate idea of how everyone has been affected, as not everyone is able to be precisely reliable in that regard considering the nature of it...
I think Kratos was tryin' to get a list together of all the symptoms and effects. All I know is sometimes all of this sorta reminds me of video games I've seen back at home.
Over all it's very... strange. There are so many variables involved, but I suppose there must be a common link somewhere.
... Video games?
Oh! A video game is a game played on... like a computer or other console of sorts! So there's graphics and sounds, usually a story that you can interact with or take part in.
So you could see people here with text boxes or health bars... those are usually staples of video games.
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