All that about him being a pervert though, it melts away as soon as his anger takes over. He is a very temperamental person, and it doesn't take much to sway his mood from being overly happy, to suddenly furious. His beliefs are very strong and if anyone opposes that, he's not afraid to stand up and say what he believes in. Fighting is another thing that comes naturally to him, he's a born fighter, he loves to argue with someone. Since he likes to read books centered around mysteries, no matter how much he tries to deny it, he likes to think up theories in different and exciting ways. One of his strong beliefs is that magic is not real, and everything can be solved by human means. He hates losing, so fighting until the bitter end is something he is definitely prepared to do.
Although Battler prefers to act like an idiot most of the time, he’s actually able to slow down and think about things from different perspectives. One of his favorite sayings is to ‘flip the chessboard over.’ Meaning to look at something from another angle, and see if it’s possible to come up with a different reasoning. He first heard such a thing from Kyrie, who then went on to explain its meaning in full. Battler does have the ability to think about someone else’s point of view and see just what they’re talking about, but due to his stubborn attitude, often times that sort of reasoning slips his mind. If he somehow is able to calm himself down, he soon becomes more intelligent than when he gets riled up and screams about topics. All in all, he’s smart when he wants to be- but hardly comes through and shows that side of him.
During the course of the games, Battler had been fighting with Beato the entire time over his family and just how each of them were murdered, by human ways of course. However, he tends to have a habit of forgiving or accepting someone easily, even if they had wronged him in the past. This could be seen as a good thing, someone so accepting that they’ll even put aside all of their flaws and see the good person underneath everything. Most of the time his logic doesn’t make sense in this department however, and it ends up costing him big. In the third game Battler had started to trust Beato more since she had started to act like she really just wanted to be a good witch for him and he believed her. Turns out she was faking, and such a big trick hurt him dearly- he had truly trusted that she had seen the error of her ways and would stop such tricks. He was wrong, and he soon sulked about it for a while before going back to his regular headstrong attitude.
Although Battler prefers to act like an idiot most of the time, he’s actually able to slow down and think about things from different perspectives. One of his favorite sayings is to ‘flip the chessboard over.’ Meaning to look at something from another angle, and see if it’s possible to come up with a different reasoning. He first heard such a thing from Kyrie, who then went on to explain its meaning in full. Battler does have the ability to think about someone else’s point of view and see just what they’re talking about, but due to his stubborn attitude, often times that sort of reasoning slips his mind. If he somehow is able to calm himself down, he soon becomes more intelligent than when he gets riled up and screams about topics. All in all, he’s smart when he wants to be- but hardly comes through and shows that side of him.
During the course of the games, Battler had been fighting with Beato the entire time over his family and just how each of them were murdered, by human ways of course. However, he tends to have a habit of forgiving or accepting someone easily, even if they had wronged him in the past. This could be seen as a good thing, someone so accepting that they’ll even put aside all of their flaws and see the good person underneath everything. Most of the time his logic doesn’t make sense in this department however, and it ends up costing him big. In the third game Battler had started to trust Beato more since she had started to act like she really just wanted to be a good witch for him and he believed her. Turns out she was faking, and such a big trick hurt him dearly- he had truly trusted that she had seen the error of her ways and would stop such tricks. He was wrong, and he soon sulked about it for a while before going back to his regular headstrong attitude.
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