
Apr 23, 2011 20:13

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Chrodechild - Suikoden Tierkreis 4/5 coolstempers May 1 2011, 04:04:18 UTC

Physical: She prefers the use of swords, so this means that while she is very skilled, she lacks very much in range. She does have speed and stealth to make up for this, but overall she's more limited in range than many characters are. In fact, a sword requires her being on the front lines.

Her timeline is also a big disadvantage since many of the Chronicles were stolen at that time so the only Mark of the Stars she'll have access to are going to be Basic Falcon and True Falcon. Of course, she's skilled enough without the Marks of the Stars.

Mental: Because she tends to need to think quickly and tends to be far more of a warrior than anything else, she may well make major errors because she was trying to come up with a solution fast. Also, because she tends to think of others before herself, she may end up in a bad situation because she considered the lives of many over her own. Even though she should be able to handle intense political situations, they do sometimes evade her. She does catch on quickly once it is brought to her attention, but she can miss the more subtle maneuverings that can happen. For instance, she missed the fact that the Mage Lord tried to make the Blades and the Company compete with each other, but once Sieg pointed out their enemy was the Order she caught on to what was going on.

And even though she never really openly shows it, she is intensely competitive. This at least doesn't make her a sore loser, but she will train very hard to ensure she does not lose. It can indeed be a weakness, but also it can be a strength because a worthy foe will indeed push her to extremes. She has the skill she has now because of how much her and her sister used to compete as children. But it can be a huge drawback because she can indeed become very stubborn and single-minded in her attempts to better herself. And while she doesn't act like a sore loser, she doesn't take defeat very well. While this is a weakness, the way she handles it becomes a strength because she lets a challenging foe push her further.

Emotional: Her tendency to treat people with respect and also be humble about her standing actually can cause some trouble for her. She's gained herself a very large group of admirers and some of them will definitely go to extremes to win her hand. Also the fact that she will not tell people if she doesn't feel the same as they do or even dislikes them can give a lot of false hope as far as how she feels towards them. Basically, she's too polite and this ends up causing things like Danash arresting her to win her over, or Asad obsessing over her.

At least she takes such things in stride. It definitely has major drawbacks, but overall it can also be very advantageous because she has many friends and allies and doesn't burn bridges when someone treats her badly. But really, in many cases the men who obsess over her are men she is close to in some way. It's obvious that she definitely considers Asad, Meruvis and Roberto dear friends and comrades so how she treats them isn't a lie, she does like them.


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