
Mar 24, 2011 20:23

[There's a loud rustling sound as Gokudera sorts through the bag he's appeared with and draws out his map.]

Lucerne...? It's not even Japan!

[He gives a loud, frustrated groan before stuffing the paper back into the bag. The broadcast goes silent as he seems to have paused]

Hm? [He inspects the radio. It's clearly on, but for some reason, he can't ( Read more... )

[character] gokudera hayato

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Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 25 2011, 17:19:23 UTC

[On the other end, it sounds as though he'd dropped something, paying complete attention to the radio he's heard his boss' voice come out of. His response is loud, as though his mouth is directly pressed to the receiver]

Where are you?


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Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 27 2011, 02:19:16 UTC
No, Tenth! I'm on my way to go see you. That baseball idiot said something about it being Westin Apartments...

[He glances at his map to confirm he's heading in the right direction]

Do you want me to pick you up something while I'm out~? [Even if you say no, there's a chance he'll grab SOMETHING from a convenience store on the way]


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[Audio/Action] pinch_hitter_80 March 28 2011, 10:51:19 UTC
Yeah, all kinds of weird monsters. Well, some are just plain weird. Some are more like some kind of illusion, really.

[There's the sharp sound of Yamamoto knocking on Tsuna's door. Then the sound of rustling clothes as he stands back just a bit and shoves a hand in his pocket.]

Hey, Tsuna. It's me.

[Yamamoto's grinning from ear to ear as he waits for Tsuna to either answer or open the door. Unable to keep silent, he turns back to Gokudera over the radio.]

Hey, maybe we can meet up somewhere in the middle.

[Because really, at a time like this, who could be expected to sit and wait for friends to find their way to where you are?]

((Sorry sorry for barging in~ X3 Also, if I somehow made something confusing, just let me know. I have a tendency to just kinda do things without thinking everything through first, so no need to hesitate~ :D))


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Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 28 2011, 15:52:51 UTC
Ah- You're probably right. This is...

[Hmm, it isn't any currency he's seen before. It looks like enough to get by for a while. The audio goes quiet on Gokudera's end as he goes through it.]

It's actually a lot, Tenth!

[Instead of hearing a reply from his boss, he hears Yamamoto knocking, then Tsuna yell. It's a bit confusing, and a little annoying having to figure out which person is making which sound. Someone was going to have to turn off a radio, and it wasn't going to be him or the Tenth.]

Idiot. You guys are so close, so turn yours off! I'm still coming that way, so don't inconvenience the Tenth!


[Audio/Action] pinch_hitter_80 March 29 2011, 08:14:12 UTC
[Yamamoto opens Tsuna's door, giving a silent wave as he hears Gokudera's voice coming through Tsuna's radio. When he's about to answer Tsuna's question, though, he hears Gokudera address him through the radio.]

Ha ha, sorry, I didn't think about that. Turning it off now.

[He turns the radio off, shoving it in his jacket pocket with his keys. When he's done, he looks back up at Tsuna with a smile.]

Yeah. I thought you might wanna come along.


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