Feb 01, 2011 22:17
Um. Is this a phone? ...Can someone tell me h-how to get back h-home? Mommy was supposed to take me to Ecruteak tomorrow for a Contest!
I know, Ruru- I'm scared too...
[It's a young voice, two young voices to be exact: a six year old boy and his equally young ralts pokemon. The former has a studder because one minute he was asleep in his home in Goldenrod, and the next he was here: in an unfamiliar town with an overcast sky; He's trying not to cry about it. Perhaps more concerning to some of the older victims of the ridge is that the voice may sound familiar, but not the speech pattern: it's Ruby's. He's six years old again thanks to the distortion, not just in appearance this time, but in actual age.]
[character] ruby