[ A long pause. Hesitating, hesitating... ]
I have been working at the ice cream shop for awhile now but- [ His voice turns sheepish, clueless even before getting the nerve to continue. ] -but for some reason the money in my tip bottle keeps disappearing. I'm not sure why, and I'm not blaming anyone but-
[ Yup, how about another pause? ]
Read more... )
If you can’t keep track of something as simple as money… [ Because, ya’know, it doesn’t move on its own. ] …then maybe you aren’t ready for a pet.
I have been looking out for my tips ever since they first got stolen! But... I'd turn around to do something for just a second and bam-! They're gone! It's really weird...
What are you going to do when you lose your pet too? [ Pause - but uh, stolen? Hrm. ]
You should have moved your tips. Kept them on you instead of letting them out of your sight.
[ lecturelecturelecture. ]
Who said I was going to lose my pet? I'm going to take really good care of it!
[ A pause. Ah-- he probably should of thought of that, huh? ] Well... well I didn't know it was going to happen again!
[ Not the lectures! D: ]
You probably would. [ Take good care of it he means. But then again…he isn’t sure Vent has the attention span for it. ]
Mm. You need to evaluate all possibilities of a situation and expect even the most unlikely to happen.
[ ………lecturelecturemore. THIS IS A LIFE LESSON VENT, PAY ATTENTION. ]
....And now he is going to be the one who sighs. ] Yeah yeah, I get that now! But what am I suppose to do now that it's missing?
I know you can and will do a good job too. [ There you go Vent, Terrah’s approval. But hey, Terra doesn’t want to end up pet-sitting. B| ]
Unless you have a clue of who took it, you’re going to have to save up your tips again until you have enough for your pet.
[ That money is long gone Vent - IT’S THE HARSH REALITY OF LIFE. ]
But- [ Can you hear the whimper in his voice, Terrah? ] --but that'll take forever! I won't get a pet at this rate...
And omg he can so hear it. Frowns - aw Vent, Terrah hates hearing you sound so…defeated. ]
…………………………Hm. [ ….Well it’s not like he uses his money on much of anything. He could probably spare a bit.
Sigh. ] How much does a pet cost?
Vent: 10 Terrah: 0 ]
I'm not sure. I haven't even gone to the pet shop yet. [ Ven's not going to admit he didn't want to go alone, so he'll just leave it at that. ]
And be quiet B| ]
Can’t be too much… [ Excuse him, he’s just mumbling to himself, trying to figure this out. And just a few more moments before…ah, here we go. ] I can go with you now if you’d like. [ Pauses and there’s some slight shifting on his end. ] Then we can see about getting you a pet.
Vent: 11 Terrah: 0 ]
What? [ Ven waits patiently during the long pause. Brow raised and a little eager to find out what the other was talking about.
Uwaah- you'd do that!? [ Well, of course he would but the ultimate shock of it all threw him off a bit. He's chuckling now- bright, cheery, and so excited. ] Really? Right now? Seriously!?
Smiles - though winces a bit at the high pitch of Ven’s enthusiasm - and even joins in with a quiet chuckle of his own. ]
Seriously. [ Grins around the word, laughing lightly again. Guess it does seem kind of backwards for him to reward Ven for losing his tip money…but… ] So do you want to?
Yeah! Of course I do! [ Terrah always knew how to cheer the lil' guy up. The radio joggles from Ven bouncing now, static fading in and out. ] So where are you?
My apartment. [ This is before the bum has a job, so yey for slacking off at home. Pauses though and hey, he wants some of that question action too. ] But where are you? [ Because... ] I’ll come to you.
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