Hey! Look! A Bandwagon!

Jun 02, 2006 23:07

Haha. Get it? Band wagon? Because the

Part I
Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Press forward for each question.
Step 3: Use the song title as the answer to the question.
Step 4: Repeat

Will I get far in life?
Trust (Prince)

How do my friends see me?:
My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion)

Will I get married?:
Pocket Full of Gold (Vince Gill)

What is my best friend's theme song?:
I'm A Believer (Smash Mouth)

What is the story of my life?
Keepin' the Faith (Billy Joel)

What is/was high school like?:
My Life (Billy Joel)

How can I get ahead in life?:
Finale B (Rent)
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