101 Things

Jul 18, 2012 02:08

I've decided to make a 101 Things in 1001 Days list. I made it a couple weeks ago, actually, but I didn't post it til now, cause I wanted to try to fill it up with 101 things first. I still haven't, but I thought it was time. Hopefully I can get all the empty slots filled in within 1001 days...

June 30, 2012 - March 28, 2015

Struck through - Achieved
Italics - Failed
Bold - In progress


1. Design costumes for a mainstage show at my college
2. Graduate magna cum laude - Current GPA: 3.72 (required: 3.75), graduating June 2014
3. Have an internship at a costume shop
4. Get a job


5. Design and make a dress
6. Design and build a fashion collection
7. Sew a Halloween costume for 2012 - I ended up being a zombified Daisy from Downton Abbey. I did do some extremely minimal patterning/sewing for this costume, so it counts. I also did some amazing zombie makeup.
8. Sew a Halloween costume for 2013 - I'm going to be Ygritte, with my boyfriend as Jon Snow. Most of my costume will be assembled from pre-existing clothing, cause I'm going with a modern interpretation, but I will be sewing a pair of grey jeans for the costume.
9. "" 2014
10. Make a corset
11. Make a quilt
12. Learn to cross-stitch
13. Learn to embroider
14. Spin one of the things of wool I have into yarn
15. Finish my bird cardigan - Lower torso and 2 sleeves joined, working on the shoulders
16. Knit another sweater
17. Post on Stitches in the Ditch once a month (starting in September)


18. Write a full-length play
19. Write a novel
20. Write another screenplay
21. Write a radio play - 20 pages


22. Read 100 books - 11/100
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War by Clive Barker
An Acceptable Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Who Could That Be at This Hour by Lemony Snicket
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of the World by Haruki Murakami
Holes by Louis Sachar

In progress:
Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russell
Wicked by Gregory Maguire

23. Read a book in a day
24. Watch all the movies I'm embarrassed not to have seen
25. Read all the books I'm embarrassed not to have read - 1/?
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

26. Read all of John Green's books - 4/5
Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines
Paper Towns
Will Grayson, Will Grayson

27. Read Infinite Jest
28. Read 5 Shakespeare plays
Henry V

29. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
30. Listen to 10 books on tape - 3/10
Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman
The Partly Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

In progress:
Stiff by Mary Roach
A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin

31. Get a book signed by its author
32. Watch 26 movies, one for each letter of the alphabet - 12/26
C - The Cabin in the Woods
D - The Decoy Bride
F - The Fall
G - The Great Gatsby
H - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I - I Know Where I'm Going
L - Lars and the Real Girl
M - Much Ado About Nothing
N - Newsies
P - Paranorman
R - Roberta
S - Shakespeare in Love
T - Tiny Furniture

33. Watch all of Marble Hornets - 11/61
34 Watch all of lonelygirl15 - 256/547
35. Finish all the .hack// games
36. Finish Kingdom Hearts
37. Finish Kingdom Hearts II - Working on Nightmare Before Christmas level
38. Finish all the Pokemon games I have

39. Finish all the Golden Sun games
40. Make and upload a fanvid
41 Upload a vlog every fortnight for Strangerhood 2.0 - 10/26
42. Make a playlist with a song for every letter of the alphabet
"Antebellum" - Vienna Teng
"Burying Song" - Hem
"C'mon" - Panic! at the Disco (feat. fun.)
"Dinner at Eight" - Rufus Wainwright
"The Engine Driver" - The Decemberists
"Falling" - The Civil Wars
"Goodnight Rose" - Ryan Adams
"Hush" - Bedouin Soundclash
"Into My Arms" - Nick Cave
"Just for Now" - Imogen Heap
"Keep the Mood" - Empires
"Lying Is the Most Fun..." - Panic! at the Disco
"Mr. Brightside" - The Killers
"Not Your Concern" - The Hush Sound
"Our Lawyers Made Us..." - Fall Out Boy
"Prostitution Is the World's Oldest Profession" - Cobra Starship
"The Queen and I" - Gym Class Heroes
"Risky Business" - The Cab
"Stray Italian Greyhound" - Vienna Teng
"Transatlanticism" - Death Cab for Cutie
"Until We Burn in the Sun" - Bedouin Soundclash
"Violet Hill" - Coldplay
"The Wrong Song" - Juana Molina
"XR2" - M.I.A.
"Your Song" - Ellie Goulding (Elton John cover)
"Zebulon" - Rufus Wainwright

Decreasing WorldSuck

43. Donate blood
44. Vote in every election
Presidential Election '12
45. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on freerice.org - 3360/100,000
46. Go to a rally or protest
47. Donate to public radio once a year
2012 - Donated $20 to WNYC

48. Make 5 Kiva loans - 1/5
49. Make 5 Kickstarter/Indiegogo/etc. donations - 2/5
$20 to Evil Baby Orphanage card game
$25 to The Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck for P4A 2012
50. Do someone a big favor


51. Be in a relationship
52. Kiss someone in the rain
53. Have good sex
54. Fall in love
55. Host a dinner party
56. Have a tea party
57. Have a picnic in the park
58. Go on a road trip
59. Have lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a long time - Saw Desi, whom I haven't seen since last December
60. Meet an online friend in person
61. Ask my grandma about her life story
62. Get a penpal
63. Write postcards to someone from every trip I go on- 2/?
Scotland - Four postcards
New York - Three postcards


64. Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it
65. Make jam
66. Make macarons
67. Cook an Indian meal from scratch
68. Make cookies shaped like teapots
69. Eat food from a food truck
70. Find a beer I like


71. Learn to French braid
72. Learn to swim
73. Get my driver's license
74. Learn the alphabet in sign language
75. Talk to someone in Chinese for an hour
76. Learn ballroom dancing
77. Learn a song on ukulele well enough to perform it
78. Learn to ride a bike
79. Learn to tie a full Windsor


80. Fill up a notebook with writing and drawings
81. Write down every dream I have for a week
82. Memorize Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy
83. Participate in a clothing swap
84. Complete 7 goals in a week
85. Build a snowman
86. Follow through with a New Year's resolution
87. Buy an item of clothing that costs over $100
88. Buy something made with real leather
89. Buy a bicycle
90. Audition for a musical
91. Go to a drag show
92. Finish the 5000-question survey - 200/5000
93. Grow a plant
94. Do 5 mail swaps and don't flake on any - 3 done, ended up flaking
95. Exercise 3 days a week for a month
96. Floss my teeth every day for a month
97. Do something that scares me
98. Do something awesome

99 - 101 empty for now...

Completed: 16
Failed: 3
In progress: 24
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