...you're not SERIOUSLY thinking about All-Star Karate are you? For the record it's by the people who did All-Star Cheer Squad (We Cheer's arch rival and inferior game known for it's terrible music and creepy Enzyte smiles) so I'd be wary. VERY wary.
Just sayin' (I looked at it myself and...yeah...I don't have the highest hopes for it).
*takes another look at screenshots* ...is that swordfighting? I see swordfighting don't I? And MotionPlus support? MOTHERFUCKER! FINE! I'll RENT it tommorrow if I can.
Haha! Yeah, booting up some shovelware while trying to master a skill-based title makes ya' a better player! My Ryu game is all thanks to learning him while waving my arms around in We Cheer or Game Party... lol, guess that's why I fail at SF4!
Just sayin' (I looked at it myself and...yeah...I don't have the highest hopes for it).
That said:
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