I hope everyone had a nice holiday week (end). It's coming to an end too fast. Especially since I have to report to jury duty tomorrow morning. It was pretty busy - spent 5 days in Colorado Springs then my brother, nephew & family came down on Sat. for our Christmas get together. I made my grandmother's enchiladas. Still wish one of us had taken the time to learn how to make her tamales. As you can see - pretty desserts run in the family - Stephen made a delicious
Apple Croustade from the LA Times. Yummm!
So how did I spend my time at home? Watching movies, updating my website, think about putting away the Christmas decorations and catching up on my new favorite show Criminal Minds.
Check out the
iPhotobook of the kids I made for Christmas. Though I bet you are tired of hearing and seeing them by now. :-)
My brother had come down on Friday night and we stayed up until 2AM making the enchiladas while watching
Stardust and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. On Sunday night I started watching the Sound of Music on network TV. Which was stupid, because I have the 40yr anniversary version on DVD. So I popped the DVD in and ended up watching all the "Extras" which I've never watched, with the reunion of the Trapp Family "kids" and commentaries with Andrews. It was interesting to hear that Charmian Carr (Liesl) was not 16 but going on 22 and felt closer in age to Julie Andrews (who was only 28!) than to the other kids who were 13 and younger. If you love SoM - netflix the extras in the 40 year anniversary set.
I've just recently started watching Criminal Minds (CBS, Wed.) which is going on it's 3rd Season. I netflixed second season and so I've been catching up this weekend. I used to love SVU, but grew tired of it, especially after Stephanie March left. CM is even more gruesome - dealing with serial killers and such but I love the characters that softens the subject matter. It deals with the FBI Behavior Analysis Unit as they travel the country profiling killers. Of course they find their man in record time. They have 3 strong women characters - Penelope, a computer whiz who makes many obscure pop culture and internet references, Emily, a profiler who comes from a wealthy political family and JJ, the media liaison. Here is a scene that I ran across that made me want to check out this show.
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