Aug 13, 2003 22:52
Well, now I'm really pissed.
I had started to write...gotten pretty far actually...and I was really getting into it. I mean, i was writing about something i really enjoyed and had great theories about....And then I pressed tab. I mean, i wasn't thinking. But it gets worse! I could have fixed it. I could have clicked the screen and all would be right as rain. But no. Damn my laziness. I was too lazy to move my hand to the mouse. I don't even remember what i clicked. But all of a sudden, the entire thing was GONE. Just POOF. Blarg. I mean, you don't get any dumber.
In other news: Saw a great college today.
University of Missouri; Kansas City. My sister, father, and uncle have all attended school there, so I'd be following ina long line. It's really well known for it's conservatory, which is my field, so i guess that's good, yeah? Really nice facilities and such. Dorms weren't so hot, bu they are in the process of building a brand new residence hall and it will be a year old by the time i get there. Should be really nice. It's not a huge campus, but pretty big population. Most are commuters though, as it's in a larger city. I would love to go there. I mean, not only is a really great music school, my dad's half of the family lives here. I could see him at least once a month (hopefully more, but he's lazy too), and I'd probably see my brother and sister once a month as well! Which is a huge step up from seeing them once or twice a year. In the end, i think that will be a huge factor in where i go to school. I've never lived near my siblings. It would be great.
Also in the news: Went shopping today as well! One of my favorite activities. Found a great dress, but it was a) about $130 {and that was on sale for 50% off), b) too small in the chest area, one of my main problems. God, cleavage city! Couldn't wear that to church, thats for sure. But it was a great dress. Also, found great purse that I'm so going to buy tomorrow. I mean, really really awesome. And we went into a home wares type store, and i found a chair and a chaise for my room... maybe. The chair was pretty sweet. Red. But the chaise was awesome. I love em anyway, but this one was all curvy and it was upholstered in this plush dark purpley velvet stuff. it would look GREAT in my room. But that's pretty pricey. $650 ish or so....But like i told my mom on the phone, it would definitely my a piece of furniture that would move to my first apartment, the on to a house, and the next house and so forth. Really loved it.
Anyway, if any more crap comes out of my head, I just might bore people. And I can't have that can I?