Last minute preparations? -- Destiny Islands [Closed]

Feb 28, 2006 07:28

It was really too bad that Reno wouldn't be joining them on the journey to Traverse Town. Well, not in the same ship, at least. Tidus had sort of been looking forward to the idea of travelling with both Quistis and Reno. Maybe they'd run into each other later? Reno had offered that place to stay in Traverse, after all. That meant it would probably be possible to find out how things had gone for him with his 'alternative transport' plan then. Although Tidus half wanted to stick around to see if that would work out okay himself, he'd gotten the impression that Reno knew what he was talking about, so there was no need to worry that the redhead might run into problems getting off the Islands.

... Hey! He should try to find out whether Reno knew anything about those journal things. It couldn't hurt to give his name to the guy, in case he did and felt like getting in touch with him and Quistis at some point, right? Before Reno disappeared off somewhere, Tidus made sure to mention that and write his journal name down on a piece of paper for the man.

There wasn't much to do in the way of preparations for the trip, as far as Tidus could tell. He didn't have a lot of packing to do (okay, so maybe saying that he had nothing to pack hadn't been totally accurate) - a bag was grabbed and filled with a change of clothes (probably a good idea to have spare socks and underwear), as well as a blitzball, which came on top of everything else. He contemplated the idea of leaving some kind of note once more, but since Quistis seemed in a hurry to leave as soon as possible, not to mention that the councilmen and so on probably wanted him out even more 'as-soon-as-possible', it didn't look like there was going to be any time for that.

Nothing else left to do but wait for Quistis to lead the way, right?


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