Mar 26, 2007 22:16
He didn't go back to the castle.
Yohji's wire had cut more deeply into his throat than Zexion first assumed - that final tug sent the wire in deep before the world shifted enough for him to escape. In the end that was the only thing that would have broken it. He wouldn't call it carelessness, maybe amusement gone awry.
His mouth tasted coppery and rich and the wire grated against his adam's apple when he swallowed. It hurt, it bled down into his coat and made his skin sticky... And he really wanted to vomit.
Another portal opened in the waterway, secluded and cool for the time being. Zexion sat cross-legged with his head back against the stone, taking in slow, shallow breaths to calm his stomach. The waterway was a chance discovery, and apparently a lucky one.
alphonse elric,