Oct 21, 2006 18:43
"AIYAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Ed dashed down the hallway, hands flailing above her head, Ein right on her heels. She had to get away from the scary black things! They were gonna eat her or something!! Even though they didn't seem to have any mouths, Ed knew they were going to eat her because that's what scary monsters did - they ate you. Horribly and ickily, too. Ed didn't want to be horribly and ickily eaten by scary black monster-thingies - she bet it hurt a lot, and she didn't like things that hurt.
Skidding to a stop, Ein continued to yell and howl and generally make incoherent noise. "We gotta hide, Ein!!" she said, looking down at her canine friend with wide eyes. "Or the inky monster-things are gonna gobble us up!!! HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE HIDE!!!!!!" She began to run around in circles, frantically searching for a place to hide but apparently not realizing it'd be best to 1) stay quiet and 2) go inside a room.
Ein, however, knew better and began to scratch at the bottom of a door, barking. Ed was too busy being scared and didn't notice, of course. With a doggie sigh, Ein decided to take matters into his own paws. He peered up at the door for a few moments, sizing up the situation. Then he jumped into the air, trying to catch the handle with his paw. Missed! Claws scrabbling at the wooden door, Ein tried again. Ah-HAH! The latch clicked, and the door opened just a crack. Ein quickly nosed it open further and barked at Ed, who was busy trying to hide under a floor rug, to follow him.
"Mweh?" Ed peeked out and saw Ein. "Oh! Smart doggie, Ein!" She scrambled out from beneath the rug and barreled into the room after Ein, slamming the door shut behind her. Once inside, she immediately dove for the first hiding spot she saw: the bed. While Ein squeezed beneath it, Ed squirreled under the covers, completely oblivious as to whether it was already occupied or not.
edward wong hau pepelu,