1. Total number of films I own on DVD: like 30 - 40....dunno really, i opened my DVD drawer the other day and thought about counting them but some of them are in these little plastic crappy packet things cz they're fake from thailand so i couldn't be bothered :)
2. The last film I bought: The Devils Advocate.......yummy Al Pacino
3. The last film I watched: Scarface - such a coolies film and again with the yummy Al Pacino :)
4. Five films that I watch a lot, or that mean a lot to me: My absolute favourite film ever is 'The Godfather Part I' so i break that out every month or so.....I really do have a thing for Al Pacino ( way more than u isobel :P) and also I love 'Goodfellas', De Niro is the the king. Also every now and then me and
little_sona watch 'What Dreams may Come' which is just such an uplifting film, so beautiful and just lovely. Really love 'Mystic River' cz Sean Penn is just a genius. Oooh and I love Shawshank :)
5. Tag 5 people and have them put this in their journal: I think everyone's already been tagged so I'll just say anyone who reads this should do it.
P.S. See Isobel and Dre, i am updating. i am no longer a lurker :P