Title: A Bit of Normal Prompt: Claudia & Joshua; she visits her brother and, miracle of miracles, everything remains calm. Word Count: 175 Spoilers for 2x13 "Secret Santa" episode!
Just my humble opinion, but after the intervention they had in Around the Bend I highly doubt that Myka or Claudia would ever suggest they go to a bar/club with Pete for a night out. They might go without him, but I don't think either of them would suggest it. Since your fic - which I did really enjoy- didn't say who suggested it I'm just sharing how I see the two and their relationship with Pete. :D
No, I really appreciate it. I'm still getting a handle on the characters & clearly need to remember to look at character notes. The nightclub as the plot device to show gender stereotypes/objectifying of the female was the first thing that popped in my head while writing. :D
The nightclub as the plot device to show gender stereotypes/objectifying of the female was the first thing that popped in my head while writing. :D
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