Hiatus-length Fic Recs

Nov 29, 2009 20:07

Since bellajayd had this idea, it's only fair to share my answers with the rest of y'all.

Fic: Slipping into Entropy
Fandom: Nolan-verse Batman
Length: novel length 56 chapters
Summary: Continues directly after the Dark Knight. Batman realizes that the police can't contain Joker so he takes it upon himself to keep him in the bat!cave. Too bad the Joker has his own plans in the works. It's a fight to see who will win - can Batman rehabilitate the Joker? Can the Joker convince Batman that they're more alike than either is comfortable with? Can two lunatics fall in love?
Why I love it: It's dark - really dark. but realistic as anything. The characterization and detail is close to perfection; the reader gets a look into the Joker's mind & that of Bruce as they fight each other and the attraction that grows between them.

Fic: Ashes of the Moon
Fandom: J2, Supernatural RPS
Length: 42,000 (written for this year's spn_j2_bigbang
Summary: Jared Padalecki, an inexperienced and uncertain young man, is sent to Kibilisa, Africa, to work for his church. Less than a month later the country is torn apart by civil war. Alone in charge of a group of children, he despairs of surviving - until he meets a mysterious man named Jensen Ackles who seems to know the country and the language. Their journey together will bring them terror, pain, horror and the deepest grief; but also friendship, self-sacrifice, love and redemption.
Why I love it: Have you seen "Blood Diamond"? Even if the answer's no, listen to the OST while reading this fic since it fits so well. The story is well-written, looong & so incredible. I read it & immediately wanted to reread it. It's just one of those stories that makes you think that while this is happening in a fictional place, it could very well be happening in RL. (and yes, there is a happy ending! don't give up!)

Fic: In the Blink of an Eye
Fandom: Twilight (don't judge.)
Length: 68 chapters. it's loong.
Summary: Bella went cliff diving, but it didn't turn out so well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. Now a graduate student in Women's Studies, Bella isn't thrilled to see him. But when the Cullens re-enter Bella's life, they bring change, hope, and a new joint project that will require all their expertises.
Why I love it: We all know Twilight + its spawn are like bad fanfic that got published. but this fic is excellent. It takes those two-dimensional characters S. Meyer created & made them into even better fictional people/vampires. Fantastic plot that was researched well (imo) and some good life lessons about growing up and dealing with grief. Writing-style-wise, it's how I wish S. Meyer really wrote; grammar is tight, characterization is spot-on + well-developed and I just really liked that it seemed so realistic.

Fic: Sacrifices Arc (or Year One, Year Two, Year Three, Year Four, Year Five, Year Six and Year Seven.)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Length: incredibly ridiculously long. seriously. each year is probably, at least, 3 or 4 hours of reading. depends on how fast you read.
Summary: This arc is a story about Harry Potter, the older twin brother of the Boy-Who-Lived. He's raised solely to protect Connor, but gets sorted into Slytherin as Connor ends up in Gryffindor. The Arc covers all seven years of Hogwarts - secrets will be revealed, love will be found and lost and trust will be proven and broken, all with a backdrop of looming war that's coming as Voldemort rises back to power.
Why I love it: Besides the epic length? It's well-written (though there may be a few mistakes, it is hosted on The Pit!) and the OCs are believable in the world JK Rowling created. Harry/Draco is the main pairing, but there's also m/m, f/f and het relationships, all of which make me happy. The plot is so incredibly detailed & beautiful, I have stayed up 'til I shouldn't have to finish the plot arc of one story. or two. The level of detail is amazing - it never fails to blow me away. WARNING: There will be death, since it's set during wartime, especially in the later Years. but don't let it put you off; it ends happy.

twilight, fic rec, tdk, harry potter, j2

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