Feb 09, 2005 12:14
Ok so its not the revenge of anyone, I'm just listening to Deadsy, since Steve got me all excited for their new Cd coming "sometime in '05" and NIN hopefully soon. I swear Steve is like the all-knowing music source. It's kinda cool, he's like an open book of information. Intriguing really. So here I am again, sick still. I didnt go to school today or yesterday. I am completely miserable in the mornings, I want to die. I feel a bit better, but then it comes back and kicks me in the ass again at night. Like last night, I had to go to work b/c if I call off, I'm fired, and I told them I was pretty sick and they still wouldnt let me leave. Yes it's a good idea to have a sick girl serving food to healthy people. Who came up with that one? Grr. I just feel worn out, my body aches, and I think it's given up on me. I wish I could just sleep so I dont feel miserable, but I just toss and turn so thats crappy. I did get a few hours of sleep last night. And woke up to some interesting text messages, they were so cute :-) Don't you wish you could read'em. Muwhah. I'm supposed to work tonight and I swear if they don't let me leave, I will flip outttttt. It's not like I've ever seen Bob Evans get so extremely busy to the point where the servers couldnt handle it. I'm sure they could spare one person.. They better. Magic called on her way to school this morning, how nice. We're so used to talking in the AM, I think she missed me! Of course, she informed me she was at the rink last night and had fun. Why is it everytime she's there with me all she does is whine and complain, but last night when i wasnt there, it was fun. Oh well, silly girl. I think I'm going to try and down some soup and pray it doesnt make me sick because I havent eaten more than 4 crackers and more cups of tea than you can count in the past 2 days. Maybe I'll lose those few extra pounds I needed to. Ha. Leave some love for the ill.