
Sep 16, 2010 19:26

Well. In regards to the last entry, they finally opened the group...but they said this time it's not even first come first serve. AND it wasn't until nearly 3 pm. Would have been nice to know either of those before I lost sleep over it. I won't know if I got in for another few days at least, I guess. Well...possibly tomorrow, but so far, they've been very badly organized this round.

Other than that...I might soon have...well, not exactly a job...but something job-like again. A volunteer position. I'm hoping getting out of the house more regularly and having something productive to do with more of my time that isn't a self-motivated thing will help my mood. It's been really up and down a lot.

A lot more down than I'd like, but that's life I guess. ._.

Doesn't help that I look at things that I -know- will make me upset. But somehow I naively hope things are gonna change and the things that upset me will be fixed. Silly me.

I know I really have nothing to be upset about. I have a wonderful husband, two lovvey cats, a roof over my head, plenty to eat. I should be content.

Blech. Another time when I'm not feeling so down and out, I'll talk about the game that's been sucking up way too much of my time lately.

deviantart, real life

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