Aug 26, 2010 23:16
Well. Since it's late and I'm tired, I'm just going to ramble at LJ in list format. Yes. life. I know, I know, I don't post nearly enough here that's actually interesting. I hope to get to that. In my defense, I don't like posting creative things in more than one place for some reason. Most stuff either gets posted at DA or SoD.
The Good:
I have (re)discovered Wrock (or Wizard Rock). I know, I am very, very late to this particular game, but hey, aren't I usually? It's kind of awesome and I need to hear more of it.
I've been semi productive! Go go drawing fingers~ Greased lightning~ (No, I dunno, either.)
Things are better. What things, you ask? Just...things.
The weather has been getting cooler! XD Yayyyy. It was way too hot of a summer, and I didn't even have to be out in it as much as the last two.
I have a bunch of really, super cute new icons from a new icon community I joined!...that I need to actually...change out some of my current set for. And I will. Eventually.
My husband is awesome and managed to get my tablet to work again after an unfortunate series of events involving two wild cats, a shaky desk, and a full mug of hot chocolate.
The Bad:
Insomnia has been kicking my butt hard. For nearly two weeks, nearly every night. And I have no clue why. At all.
...I hate drama. Especially drama that results from a misunderstanding blown waaaaay out of proportion. Ugh. I cried. A lot.
I still don't have a job.'s fully and solidly my own stupid fault. Because I still haven't submitted a single application yet despite whining about it at every opportunity (mostly to myself in my head. Yes I am that lame.)
I am really tired so that's all I'm going to say for now. Uhhh...sorry for rambling and all. XD Peace out guys!
EDIT: Forgot two of the bad things. I knew there were more than that! >_>
First...I lost my iPod cable! And I have no idea where it could possibly be! Ahhhhhh...
And second...I...completely forget again. o.o *mumbles about needing sleep and slinks off*
real life,