A long time ago, I was really adverse to writing short entries. I had rationalized that somehow, it implied a lesser effort and would be taken as such, or worse, seen as spam. Reflecting on the content of my journal lately, perhaps those thoughts weren't completely unfounded. Yet, it's been refreshing for me to switch things up a bit. I'm a little worried that the new focus on fandom might be a little off-putting for those who've stuck around for years. I'd write more about my life but I'm having the hardest time articulating my thoughts lately. At the very least, things have been uneventful, so I'm short on material, anyway.
On to my point, I've been getting frequent headaches lately, some of which are quite severe and last nearly the entire length of the day. They aren't constant, thankfully, but they have enough of an effect on me to disrupt sleep and daily activity. Pain relievers don't seem to have much of an effect, so to play it safe I'll be meeting with a neurologist next Tuesday. Here my paranoia is getting the best of me, given the unexplainable correlation between PKD and neurological problems. Don't worry though, I had an MR Angiography done three years ago and there was no evidence of an aneurysm or anything serious like that.
...I have this obnoxious habit of progressing through 95% a game and then suddenly, on impulse, I switch to something else. It happened last night when I went to resume Persona 4 but started a new game of Digital Devil Saga instead (Oh Harley, you'll never cease to amuse me). Part of it may be because the homestretch tends to be the longest, most demanding part of any game and I feel the need to take a break. Or maybe I'm just crazy. That's probably it.
I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Creative Tree Hugging Believer