I talked to Ryan and he invited me to his wedding.
I was all shocked because he's growing up so damn fast.
I remember when him and Timberlake were just these stary-eyed kids walking onto the MMC set. I think Ryan even mentioned something about FINALLY being able to get chicks. *laughs*
And I remember Jayce and I taking them in like lil' brothers...helping them out and shit. *grins* giving the occassional wedgie.
So, now...my boy is all grown, gettin married *smiles* that's pretty tight.
And now you ask, "What about me?"
Well, I dunno about marriage. It kinda scared the shit outta me. I just kinda like what I have going on now. Me and Jude just chill. Especially since he got a house out here in L.A. it's all private and secluded. Thank God. So I won't have to worry about reporters following me and wondering who the hell I am and what I am doing there.
I like privacy. I am a really private person and maybe that's why I am not some social creature. You see me out sometimes and I like to mingle, but other than that, I just like to chill at home. Fans ask that "Do you have a girlfriend?" question and I try not to laugh, because I don't...which is the truth. But I'm also not single *winks*
If anyone ever said "Do you have a boyfriend?" That would get a totally different answer. *laughs*
But anyways...for those of you in L.A., you can catch me playing every Tuesday at The Mint. Drop in, say "hi", bring a friend, drink on me *grins* mmmkay?
Alrighty, I hope I am being a good "Tony" and staying semi-true to him; let me know if I am not. When he posts about performance dates and stuff, those are real, so any of you L.A. people out there might wanna check Tony out. Yes, this is a shameless plug...hey, I'm on teh street team, what can I say?...LOL. Anyways, just wanted to say I am sorry for not updating as much. i have started working again, which is why I am not on as much, BUT when you see LuccaAnthony on, don't hessitate to IM him because Tony wants to talk to people, too.))