: : Wolf of Time : :

Jan 01, 2010 09:25

Returning, returning, returning, it is slowly returning, through the dark and the fire and the blood, always returning, returning to this world. It is returning. And he is returning. And they are returning. But too late. Too Late. Far too late. He has come.
Who me? See, that's the thing with time travel - ya' take a little jaunt into the future & folks wonder where you've been the last couple of years...

Howdy livejournalists! So what ya'll been doin' while I were distracted? Settin' the world to rights or just scoffin' candy leftovers from christmukkah? Hope you're all fine n' dandy either way. Here's to 2010, may it be all we wish for & nout we don't! Later, dudes... ::skedaddles::
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