: : 28 Barbary Lane, Sydney : :

Dec 21, 2007 01:00

It's Oh So Quiet - Björk

♦ Finally, I can hear myself think... ... Hey, I can hear crickets! Which is better than termites! Yesterday, I had the cleaners in to ensure my former drum is shipshape & Bristol fashion. Can still feel the noise of the floor polisher in my teeth, so I now know the tru meansing of cleansing! The last few hours, I've been slidin' around the empty rooms in my cotton sox gatherin' up bits & bobs that missed the boat, doin' some minor repairs & takin' down the TV to drop by the op shop after breakfast. ::spreads cheer:: Boxin' Day comes early this year!

I'm gonna miss this place heaps. I count ourselves very fortunate to have found such an amazin' home but I'll miss even more our gem of a landlady, Mrs Madrigal. Obviously that ain't her real name but I think of her that way, in the best sense naturally! If our next landholder is ½ as nice, we'll still be twice as lucky as most. So why can't all old folk be that friendly? Good manners ain't hard, even fake ones! I'd much rather be told to have nice day by somone who doesn't mean it, than be told to rack off by someone who does. ::new fashioned::

Josh flew out today, there were yet more tears. Sheesh! It ain't like they'll never see him agen. Honestly, just 'cuz him & Dad both lived in Milwaulkee for like 5 minutes, ain't an excuse for 'em to bond endlessly over The Brewers! Get a life peoples! I guess I'm now almost semi-officially homeless. Oh well, I've always relied on the kindness of strangers & they don't come much more strange than my family! ::turns out the lights::
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