: : your Huckleberry friend : :

Oct 15, 2007 23:53

Moon River - Audrey. Is there any other?

♦ 2 Drifters...

Off to see the world! Okay, so it's more a houseboat on the Hawkesbury than a raft on the Mississippi, & it's char-grilled Luderick rather than pan-fried catfish... but a boy can dream, can't he?

After takin' time to smell the water lilies yesterday, I decided we could do with a few days reprieve from the stress that movin' house creates. It's been another exquisite day & I'm sorely tempted to keep on sailin' out through Broken Bay & north to the Coral Sea but I reckon I might lose the deposit! ::plans getaway::

Don't mean to gloat from my houseboat but man, I seriously love these things! Floatin' houses, how cool is that! Hey, we could just load all our gear aboard & set course for Los Angeles. For real dudes! Then no matter where we move to next, we'd just take our house with us! Although, Switzerland might prove difficult... Who cares? We are Sea-Gypsies! Come to steal your Sea-Horses!
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