I'm always pushing the deadline for
30_kisses. I wasted too much time over the weekend fixing my scene dividers for my old fics over at FFnet. I'm fine with using horizontal lines for scene dividers from now on for that site...but seriously, did they have to remove the existing dashes and whatnot from old fics? It's a disaster. Some of my fics aren't
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I'm so behind on my projects. Ahaha, and that's when I find myself procrastinating even more and writing fics instead! Um, yeah. Should get back to reading.
It took me a long time reading through my fics again. But it was still a fairly short time considering how much time I spent writing it! Sad. It took me way longer to write HgHd, but it only took a few hours to reread. -__-;
My old fics...some of them, surprisingly, still made sense. 8D
My new years resolution of writing a little something everyday...did not work out. XD; If I can write something every week, that's good enough for me! Well, you've been writing...just not for Fullmetal Ninja. I used to never have my fics planned out...I've learned better now. It's so easy to run out of steam that way!
Oooo, A Working Day!! Darn, why didn't you capture those plunnies before they hopped away? D: Hope you get them back.
Fufufu, you have the new chapter up. *goes off to read* Well, I'm going to eat first and then read. XD;
And bwwwwaaaaah? I just realised yesterday that I've been writing Fullmetal Ninja fo a year now. XD;; A year and... um, 21 thousand words. Actually, I don't think that's bad. For me anyways. :)
XD Yuuuup. I refound the Swordsman universe again yesterday morning and was reading some of the 'A Rurouni Goes to College'. And then coudn't stop. 'Just one more chapter'. *facepalm*
I've now gotten rid of 300 words for my report. :D
XD Well, yeah. Writing something takes a lot longer than reading something. Unless you're one of those lucky people who pretty much has all the words come to them as soon as their fingers touch the keyboad.
:D Good!
*nods* I run out of steam if I don't pace my uploading. Update too quickly and I'll probably stop after three chapters. ^ ^ Well, I'm a slower writer now anyways. ;p
XD;; I think I actually have - in my notbook where I write my essays. XD;; And I've been walking past the shop that insprire that fic (XD Yeah, I know... Ta-da!) recently again and just looking around when walking about (walking to uni since bus card ran out) so I've got a few more ideas, even though they're half-formed at the moment.
My fics range around that word length too, all of my unfinished fics.
If you haven't gotten into A Life Lived yet, I guarantee that will suck you right in too! And that's 80 something chapters. 0___0;
The longer I don't update, the less likely I'm going to update that fic...since I'm not even thinking about it anymore. -__-;;
Eee, good. <3 I never jot down my plotbunnies, so they just disappear. Ooo, Paper Tiger is such a cool name. 8D
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