Um, there are quite a few people who know Japanese on my flist, right? Help?
My final for my Japanese linguistics class is to analyze a long conversation according to articles that we've read this semester, but we're supposed to translate the converstation first...I guess so that we actually understand the conversation before we try to analyze it. I'm having problems translating some of the lines. Any help any of you can give would be greatly appreciated. If I translate stuff wrong, well, I can't even get to the analyzing part then! But this is a little long, so...
1. あたし、きのう船戸与一読んでて、なんか気分がそのまんまになってて
I don't quite know how to put the second part into English. Her mood/feelings stayed like that?
(speaking of action novels)
6. けっこう、あたしはー、あの手のやつ弱いですね
I’m quite weak against something like that (?) あの手=?
8. あーそうそうそう、文庫本4冊とかー、上下2冊とか、1冊でも400ページぐらいで (this is just here for the context, I translated it fine)
9. で、けっこうすごい、あのー、マッチョな (マッチョ=macho??)
10. どんどん死んでくんですよ(gradually dying??)
12. そこらへんの描写
18. 現代だけど、わりとこうなんか、秘境みたいな所に
(It’s modern but it’s like this, sort of like going to an unexplored place (?) )
わりとこうなんか --> how would you translate that?
46. うーん、文庫になってるやつは文庫
something about becoming available in the collection?
55. わりとー、人がばんばん出てくるから、それをー、頭に入れるまでが
(It’s because people keep getting introduced, and until you remember them (?)
わりとー=? I'm assuming that ばんばん means that the characters keep getting introduced one after the other.
62. でも、みんな最近きたなくてさあ、あの、売れてくるとそのシリーズさあ、文庫からさあ、あの、上製に格上げしてさあ、『新宿鮫』も、上製で出てちゃったの
(But, recently everyone’s messy, you know, uh, the series that they sell, you know, from the book collection, you know, uh, using superior binding you know, “Shinjukuzame” too, was published with superior binding (?))
My wording is pretty horrible. Did I get the general meaning of the sentence, or am I horribly off?
73. 文庫になるまで待ってやろう
(Before it becomes available at the collections, I’ll wait. (?))
76. ストーリーは、なんか、面白くないけど、たんに真田くんを見に行こうとゆう
(The story is, it’s like, not interesting, I'm thinking of going to see Sanada-kun (?))
I don't quite get the second half.
78. さっぱりよく分かんないってゆわれた
(I don't understand very well (?))
83. それなのに、真田なんとなく、あの、例の、そのまま、こう、高校教師の弱々しさを引きずってしまっているってゆう感じ
96. あ、それがその、彼の、鮫とゆわれる孤独を象徴してんだけどさ、真田ってすぐ二人でうまくやりそうじゃない
(Ah, that’s, his, you can say a shark symbolizes his solitude, though speaking of Sanada, the two of them seemed like they got along well pretty fast, didn’t they (?))
98. でもあの手の、なんかハードボイルド系のやつとかってゆうのは下手に映画化すると、難しいですよねえ
(But that, that kind of tough type of guy, when he’s portrayed poorly in the movies, it’s kind of hard, isn’t it (?))
104. ミステリーは、ほんと読みだすとー、で、その作家のみんな読みたくなっちゃうんだよね、<笑・複数>気に入るとね
(Mysteries, when you’re actually reading them, well, the author makes it so that everyone wants to read it, don’t you think [Makes it so you like it, eh (?))
読みだす--> what kind of conjugation is だす?
In response to the name of a series:
122. ちゃうちゃうちゃう
131. とりあえず次々とねー、献本が来るから
132. 献本と研究会、のために読む本、というねー
133. 本屋行くとやっぱりねー、その、魔がさしたように本買っちまうんだよね
(For now, when the donated books start coming if you say you read the book for the sake of the complimentary copy and the
research society,when you go to the bookstore, as expected, you, well, it’s almost as if you get tempted by an evil spirit to buy that book (?))
136. そいでー、買ってしまって、いっぱいこうやって積まれて、もう、あれもこれも読まなくちゃ、とか思って
(It follows that you buy it, and a lot of things like this happen, well, you have to read this and that too, when you think like that (?))
Shoot, I still have a whole lot of stuff that I'm doubting my translations on, but this is already too long, so I'll just cut it off here. -_-;;
Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I'll do something nice for you after finals are over? :3 )
Bleh. I may know textbook Japanese, but when it comes to actual conversation, it all falls apart. >_>