looking for rajipuri 148+, anime cons

Feb 19, 2006 18:05

Does anyone have rajipuri 148 and up?

Mm, I'm registering for Fanime...a bit late this time around. Usually my friend takes care of all of it and does a group registration right after Fanime, but this time she went off and registered on her own!! So no group reg...and I've been wavering about going or not. After all, the price was around $30 before, and now it's $50. -_-;;

www.fanime.com << go register, ranier!! :D

Miranda from D.Grayman...does anyone have pics of her?

Anime Expo STILL doesn't have the registration stuff up. But the hotel stuff's out. But I have no idea which hotel's better. Must make sure that everyone's still going. Do the hotels fill up really quickly? I hope not!! D=

tenipuri, music, other

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