[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: A Slice of Wedding Cake Slice 19 (end)

Jan 04, 2021 02:07

It's done!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Title: A Slice of Wedding Cake - Slice 19
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 1,469
Summary: Sun and Judgment are getting married. The "why" and "how" really aren't that important right now. For this is not a story about their romance; this is the story of us observers. Yes, we, the underappreciated observers of this whole spectacle who did 99% of the work, and only received a slice of wedding cake in return. Grisia/Lesus, Ceo/Roland
Notes: Co-written with kiyutsuna. Odd chapters are hers. Even chapters are mine! All illustrations are done by kiyutsuna.

Slice 19: Happily Ever After


Well, we have finally arrived at the end. This wedding felt as if it lasted years .

I was already daydreaming about my bed and going to sleep for a full day. As the dancing and mingling wrapped up, I began planning for the sign I would put up on my door. Something like “ Do not disturb, beware the Death Monarch ” should suffice. Roland was the best guardian of sleep. He needs to obtain an official award for it.

Only one final event was left, then we’d be able to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and take a much-needed vacation.

When the married couple got ready for the bouquet throw, all the ladies went wild and crowded the stage with an energy that could only be described as feral. I, with my self-preservation instincts intact, retreated as far as possible from the hoard to save my eyes.

Judgment held up the bouquet, and the crowd held their breath. A quick look was exchanged between the couple-was that exasperation I saw on Judgment’s face? A sense of foreboding bubbled in my stomach, as Judgment drew his arm back and hurled the bouquet into the air in a swift and decisive motion.

Cheers immediately turned into gasps and screams of fear as the bouquet hurtled through the crowd, a deadly projectile.

Sun, Judgment, what on earth did you two put in that bouquet??

Judging by the speed of the thing, catching it would break an average person’s hand. The guests dodged left and right; nobody dared to put themselves in the bouquet’s path. Just as it seemed like the bundle of flowers was going to end up denting the floor, a pale hand reached out and snatched it from the air, saving us all from certain catastrophe.

As expected of Roland, he is truly the definition of reliable.

A hush fell over the crowd. All eyes were on Roland and the bouquet in his hand. From where I stood, I could see him stare at the bouquet with furrowed brows. Does he know what it signifies? I should go help him out before this situation turns awkward-

Then, Roland turned toward me and met my eyes, his gaze unwavering.

In quick strides, he approached me.

“Here.” The bouquet was carefully deposited into my hands. It was extremely heavy. I could feel something hard and rectangular underneath the wrapping paper. Was there a brick stuffed into it?

Wait, why are these flowers in my hands?

I could only stare blankly at Roland as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

He said, "Did you still want to get married?"

Oh, so he does know what the bouquet signifies… Wait, did he say “ get married ”? Wait, what did he mean by “ still ”?

I racked my brain until I came upon a near-forgotten memory.

【Roland, you’re the best. Can I marry you?】

Did he take my half-asleep mumbles seriously?

I must have resembled a fish or something equally dumb as I gaped at Roland. I could feel my face grow hot and my heartbeat race. Roland seemed to have taken my blushing as an answer, for the next thing I knew, he had knelt in front of me and pulled a ring out of nowhere.

Yup, he was dead serious.

I would like to say that many meaningful memories and thoughts flew across my mind at that moment. You know, the way it goes in novels, all profound and romantic. In reality, my mind had ceased to function altogether. All I could see was Roland’s smile as he gazed up at me, all I could hear was the echo of his words, all I could think of was…

“Ceo Storm, I want to do paperwork with you for as long as I exist. Will you marry me?”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Only Roland could think up such an earnestly ridiculous line to propose with, and say it with utmost seriousness.

Dear God of Light, I love this man so much.

“Yes.” My voice came out shaky, but I was grinning too hard to care. “Of course I will.”

With that, I pulled my new fiance into my arms and kissed him hard.

All was silent for a moment. Then, from the stage, Sun cheered loudly (in a graceful manner, a fantastic feat), then Judgment and the rest of the Twelve Holy Knights joined in. Soon, the entire hall followed suit, though I swear I could hear my teacher crying.

Once all the craziness died down, we gathered outside. The sky had already darkened, perfect for the fireworks show Blaze had prepared for us all.

A myriad of bright shapes and colors lit up the sky.

My teacher had finally calmed himself down and was now sharing a smoke with Teacher Fahr. The rest of the teachers had also gathered around, watching the sky leisurely and chatting among themselves. The dark elf Aldrizzt was among their ranks, conversing amiably with Teacher Chasel, while Teacher Neo hovered around the two. Was he trying to fit into the conversation?

Off to the side, the Pope was ignoring the fireworks entirely, focusing instead on reviewing the list of wedding gifts.

Around us, Stone had finally pried himself away from his new friends Elijah and Awaitsun. He was now being dared by Metal to try that ultra-spicy cake. Beside them, Moon was staring happily up at the sky, his neck condition for once not a hindrance.

Earth was gallantly putting his coat around a dark-haired lady’s shoulders. Wasn’t he dancing with a blond earlier?

Ann must have also witnessed Earth’s “gentlemanly” act. Giggling, she took off her shawl and draped it over Leaf’s shoulders. Leaf blushed and fed her a bite of cake in retaliation. They were adorable.

A loud whoop drew my attention next. Blaze had his arms around both Ice and Cloud and was pointing out each new firework excitedly. I heard that he had prepared these for Sun’s bachelor party, thank the God of Light for this change of plans. I did not want to imagine what would have happened otherwise.

Speaking of Sun, he was also enraptured by the fireworks in the sky. On his face was a genuine smile of wonder. He must be able to “see” the elements bloom in the air. Judgment, however, was ignoring the show entirely in favor of watching Sun’s eyes light up, his expression soft and doting. They made quite a picturesque scene; the temple could probably make a fortune selling paintings of this moment.

A small tug on my hand brought my attention back. I smiled at Roland and let myself be pulled even closer into his arms. He took my hand and brought it to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on my knuckles.

I take back what I had said before. I got much, much more out of this wedding than merely a slice of wedding cake.

Bonus Scenes:


“Ahh, now that the wedding is over, we have to hurry up and pack!”

“Why do you guys need to pack? Lesus and I are the ones going on our honeymoon.”

“Did you forget? You can’t leave the city without the rest of us!”

“What? How will we have any privacy with all ten of you around??”

“Don’t worry, none of us want anything to do with your privacy.”

“Oh right, the Pope said since we were going on a trip anyways, we might as well take care of some lands of darkness along the way.”

“That old fox won’t let any opportunity go to waste, huh…”

“Nooooo, I don’t want to work during my honeymoon!”


“Wow Hell, that is one nice engagement ring you got Storm!”

“Take a look, Sun. Hell even prepared an engagement ring ahead of time. You should learn from him!”

“Yeah Sun, you really should have been more like Hell.”

“Guys, don’t compare Sun to my Roland, are you trying to insult him?”

“Hey! I made our wedding rings myself! You can’t beat that sincerity!”

“... Didn’t you get help from Teacher and Aldrizzt?”

“Lesus, not you too!”

I Raised That Man

"Whoa, Tyler, are you crying?"

"I... I'm just so proud! Look at him! Just look at him!"

"Hey, he is handsome alright, but I don't want to get kicked by Knight-Captain Storm for looking too much!"

"No, no, that's not what Tyler means at all, right?"

" Sigh , I raised that man..."

"Ohhh, Tyler's caught proud parent feelings!"

"I get what you mean, Tyler! To think Captain is now the one kicking people instead of getting slapped. He's come so far! I sure raised him well!"

the end

Kiyutsuna: We have reached the end!! I am Emotional™. To think that it all began as a short crack idea... We just wanted to have Grisia and Lesus get married (and wear a dress)! Somewhere along the way, Ceo/Roland took over, the teachers had a backstory, many characters bonded... It was truly an amazing ride, and I am eternally grateful to have Luca as the partner-in-crime. To our dear readers (both old and new), we hope you enjoy this "epilogue" to canon as much as we did~ ♥

Lucathia: The wedding really did last years, but hey, Ceo got a lot more than just a slice of wedding cake out of this! I'm so happy to get to see this fic through to the end. (I got to see so much of Kiyu's lovely art too ehehe, just look at how sweet these two couples are here with the fireworks in the background.) While I always knew Grisia and Lesus wouldn't get a POV and would mostly be in the background, I never thought Ceo and Roland would end up getting so much of the focus. (This is secretly a Roland fic, lol!) If you've been wary of reading this fic because it's been incomplete for so long, well, it's now complete! This is a great time to dive in. ♥ This entry was originally posted at https://lucathia.dreamwidth.org/370546.html. You can comment here or there.

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: a slice of wedding cake

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