Fire Emblem Heroes merge projects

Dec 31, 2019 17:06

Happy New Year, everyone! Guess this is my last post of the decade~. My first posts in 2020 should be my Yuletide fic and year in fic review.

(pictured in the order I finished merging them~)

I've still been playing FEH a lot (more than console games, haha), and recently finished my 13th merge project, Ike! :D First 5* exclusive +10. When he was released in January 2018, I (sadly) kicked young Ike off the team so that I could merge Legendary Ike, who powercrept himself and was also a Legendary unit, which was useful in several modes. He would also return in Legendary banners, making it easier to predict when to save orbs. Now, at the end of 2019, he's no longer as strong of a unit, nor all that useful as a legendary with all the new modes, but he's still quite good, especially with Special Spiral. But most importantly, he's Ike. I finished merging Ike! (Now, please demote young Ike so I can merge him too...)

Ike was supposed to return in October/November (I forget which month) but was pushed back to December. I ended up spending orbs on other new units because of it, but I resolved not to collect any orbs from Feh until Ike's return just in case. By the time December's legendary banner rolled about, I had 141 orbs on me, and 101 orbs I collected from Feh, making my stash come out to 242 orbs to try for three merges to get my +7 Ike to +10. Ike shared the red focus with Hrid (who I don't have) and Roy (who I already have). 242 orbs is pretty close to the most I've ever had saved up, but it still didn't seem like it would be enough. It took me 200 orbs to get one Altina on the previous legendary! I like summoning too much to save more than this... XD;;

Anyway, I decided to wait for Christmas to pull. On Christmas, with the hotpot simmering, my brother and I both opened our games and began the summoning session.

I collected my orbs from Feh. 242 orbs, let's go! I used up all the first summoning tickets. Nothing. Dipped below 200 orbs. Nothing. DDD:

Then at 165 orbs left, Ike#1 arrived! Phew! First Ike took 77 orbs. Not bad!

No red focus: Edelgard. Fine, there was no pity rate in any case.

At 115 orbs left, Ike#2 showed up! 50 orbs for another Ike! By this point, I was going aklsdjfal;sfja??? ANOTHER IKE? MAYBE THIS IS POSSIBLE??? I mean, Ike showed up instead of Hrid or Roy. What were the odds??? +9 Ike time! One Ike left to go!

Then, at 98 orbs left, Ike#3 showed up! AHHHHHHHHHH. In only 17 orbs, the final Ike decided to join my barracks. It was a surreal moment. I couldn't believe my eyes. It only took 144 orbs for me to get my final three Ike merges, and no other red focus came to crash the party. What were the odds?????

It was totally a Christmas miracle~. I nearly didn't even have to use any of the orbs I kept safe with Feh, but cashing them out was probably what decided my luck!

And so, Ike joins the other finished merged projects as the 13th member~. I don't know if I'll try to merge any more 5* exclusives. XD;; They'd have to be someone that I know will return on banners a lot... or someone that I like a lot and is also decent (if not superb) meta wise. (Lugh refine, when?)

And now, to add even more to this already very wordy post... all of my finished merge projects so far~

The very first finished project, Soren! I even pulled a lot for him whenever he was a 5* focus unit. This was back before he was demoted from 4-5* to 3-4*. His kit hasn't changed much over these two years, but his owl tome refine with Chill Atk meant he's a pretty good support, so I gave him two ploy skills for C and the seal. As for his B skill, it's been Escape Route for the longest time to go with Fury (it's so fun having Soren teleport around the map), but recently with Aether Raids, I've been using him to tank several units in a row, so Mystic Boost has been a great addition to help him survive better. He can tank dragons now too! It's beautiful!

My second +10, Olivia! I merged her at 4*+10 when 4 star merge projects were still viable, but then BST rose above that, so I began merging a second Olivia at 5*. She was pretty much the reason I was able to get crowns in Arena when the cheerleader meta first started. But after Aether Raids began, I changed my blessings on Soren and Nowi, so I can't score as high in Arena anymore. Kind of gave up on scoring high in Arena. Now I'm just bouncing back between Tier 19 and Tier 20. My 4*+10 Olivia is still putting in work, now in Aether Raids, as she's the one with the light blessing.

My 3rd+10, Nowi! She was the very first blue 5* unit I pulled, with +res as her IVs, and I've stuck with her ever since the start. Her kit has changed over time, from Triangle Adept, Swordbreaker, etc, to the current Breath build for tanking on enemy phase. While this build isn't as useful as the previous year, she's still putting in a lot of work. Soren, Olivia, and Nowi are pretty much my main team in both Arena and Aether Raids light season. Despite all the powercreep, my units from Year 1 are still capable of keeping up~

My 4th 5*+10, Masked Marth! I got her to +8 all thanks to Tempest Trials, so when Aether Raids and the grail system first started, I got myself two cheap copies of Masked Marth to finish merging her. I don't use her much though. Only in Tempest Trials and Arena Assault. She's the final girl I merged. :3;;

5th is Merric! I began merging him when I couldn't get any copies of my merge projects, and Merric was just sitting there with tons of copies. He was my main unit in Shadow Dragon, so I thought, why not? (I'm still waiting for Xane to get added! My other fav from SD!) Merric's kit is pretty simple. Low cooldown, flier effectiveness is pretty cool. I might try Dark Excalibur on him sometime too and throw him onto my Aether Raids anima defense team.

6th is Oscar! He was one of my strongest units in Radiant Dawn. :3 That, and I plan to merge as many PoR/RD 4* units as I can. I began merging Oscar during one of the weeks when he was the bonus unit in Arena.

7th up, Shigure! I still haven't finished Fates and haven't even met him in the game yet, but when I learned that one of his lines has him singing, I knew I had to merge him. (I also kept listening to him sing on repeat ahhhh). I don't really know what to do with his kit. I haven't given him very many new skills. For the moment, he's just a very speedy flier with a conflicting kit.

8th up, Naesala, my 2nd finished grail project! I'm so happy we actually got a strong guy as a freebie. With both Naesala and Shigure as speedy blue fliers, Shigure lost out to Naesala. I decided to give Galeforce to Naesala instead of Shigure, since Naesala has three movement. (and I have no need for two blue fliers with the same build...) :3;; Naesala is on my Aether Raids dark defense team, with his other bird comrades, and two Yunes. I'm also merging Reyson. So far, he's at +6. I also have another Reyson (and Tibarn) for Astra season~

9th is Lucius! Copies of him were so hard to come by. ;__; I hope he gets a refine someday, and also an alt please. Currently, his kit is just double Savage Blow + Pain. Lucius was one of the three mages I used in FE7, Erk, Lucius, and Canas. Canas didn't turn out so great in this game (so sad...) but Lucius is ok since he has a niche. I hope Erk gets added as a 3-4* for easy merging!!!

10th up, Libra! He was my favorite in Awakening. I was super happy that he got demoted for easy merging~. His current kit is temporary. I pulled a Nailah who I'm still grinding HM with to one day give him Distant Counter and Null C Disrupt. I'll probably use him on my Astra team in AR. Res all the way!

11th, Seliph! His Tyrfing refine is amazing. Miracle has made him an amazing Distant Counter+Vantage tank in AR defense. I began merging Seliph after he got his refine. He's knocked down so many foes with Vengeance! It also helps that Seliph resembles my OC Rykatu a lot~. I still need to give Seliph some wings of mercy mage friends to complete the team.

12th, Halloween Rolf! I wonder if we'll ever get his normal version... Still, it was good to see him added to the game. This was probably my fastest merge project ever, as I had enough grails to get all the copies I needed at once. I was just waiting for enough feathers. As I didn't have a bow cavalry merged up, Rolf was perfect. (I also didn't pull legendary Leif...) I also love Rolf's line where he pretends to be a ghost. So hilarious! He's rocking a double Fury+desperation kit.

And finally, the 13th addition, the one and only 5* exclusive, Ike! His kit is pretty much all set after acquiring Special Spiral. Specials for days. The self sustaining Ike. So amazing. :D

I'm still working on Reyson (at +6) and Sothe (at +9). So close with both of them! After that, I'm definitely going to work on Chad! This game is all about merge projects and favorites for me. I can't believe Lugh and Chad were added~~~

Most of my favs have already been added. I'm mostly just waiting for alts of my favs now, and for Xane and Erk to be added.

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medium: games, fire emblem

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