Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 03, 2019 22:37

yuletide letter!

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Thanks for writing for me! Below is more information about my general likes and what I like about each fandom. However, please don't let this letter confine you if your muse comes up with something else. I look forward to your spin on the characters and the fandom. :3

General likes

- stories with a touch of humor here and there
- bittersweet turns of events that come with happy endings that are earned
- or just happy endings in general
- exploration on how a character gets from one point to the next
- tone that follows the original source
- underdogs
- exploration of bonds shared between characters
- secret identities
- going undercover
- casefic
- familial bonds
- friendship
- rivalry
- plotty fic

I quite adore gen fic that doesn't focus on romance and usually include gen as one of my likes, but for the requests I have this year, I don't mind either. I am also fine with spoilers for any ongoing series.

Kono Oto Tomare!

Requested Characters: Kurata Takezou

What I like about the series: The art is breathtaking and expressive, and the friendship between Takezou and the others is just beautiful. I can't help but root for all of them, especially since no one expected them to get so far. I love their passion and how Chika, Kurusu, and Houzuki were all welcomed into the koto club despite not meshing together well initially. I really like how Chika and Kurusu didn't have a high opinion of Takezou at first but came to think highly of him as they got to know him. I love how Takezou grew throughout the series-as a leader, as a friend, as himself. He started with very little self confidence, doubting his abilities to keep the club going, his skill at playing the koto, and his own self worth altogether. It's rewarding seeing him overcome his insecurities and becoming someone who inspires others with his effort. When it all comes down to it, this series is touching and makes me smile a lot.

Prompt: I would love fic that focuses on Takezou and his bonds with the rest of the club, especially Kurusu, Chika, and the new underclassmen. Fic about Takezou and his younger brother would be adored too. What does his brother think of him now, this brother that is so much more confident than before?

I'd also love seeing Takezou in the role of sempai, with perhaps the new 1st years being unfamiliar with a Kurata-sempai that's less assured of himself, since they weren't there at the start when the club was a lot less established. I also find it amusing that Takezou and Chika rarely feel like a sempai-kouhai relationship, yet in the rare times that it does come into play, it's all the more striking (and adorable when Chika calls him sempai). An outsider POV on how Takezou and Chika interact, with people perhaps thinking Chika is bullying his sempai, until they realize it's completely different from what they think, would be pretty cool too.

I also adore Takezou's interactions with Kurusu, especially how he isn't afraid to correct her and how they know a lot of each other's insecurities. I feel that these two play off each other super well, and they help bring out the best in each other while also providing support that they might not have known they needed. I'd love to see them casually hanging out with each other (maybe to plan for the club, or just hanging out at the arcade or somewhere else) and realizing how much the other person means to them.

(I'm up to date on the anime and manga)

Kanata no Astra

Requested Characters: Luca, Ulgar

What I like about the series: This series has so much heart. I loved the mystery. I loved the optimism. I loved the humor. But overall, it really is the optimism that brings me back, with how these kids faced danger head on with laughter and joy, never letting their setbacks drag them down or change who they are.

Prompt: I love the whole cast of Kanata no Astra, but especially Luca and Ulgar. Luca, for his brightness and resilience despite what life has thrown at him, and Ulgar for his tenacity and care for his loved ones.

I'd love fic exploring what their lives are like later on, especially with Luca's throwaway line of Ulgar crashing at his place. What does Luca do now? How is Ulgar going about his job? What do they feel about their friends pairing off? Are they all still famous for what happened all those years ago? Is there anything going on between Luca and Ulgar?

Fic set during the series that plays these two off each other would be great too, especially after their confrontation during a certain scene. It's fun seeing Luca tease Ulgar. The other way around would be sweet too.

I'd love to have the others show up too.

(I've consumed both the anime and the manga and enjoyed both.)

Sweetness and Lightning

Requested Characters: Inuzuka Kouhei, Yagi Yuusuke

What I like about the series: This series is really just like its namesake, so so sweet. I love how food brings several people together from different walks of life, and how food is often the solution to several problems throughout the series. Kouhei tries his hardest as a single dad, wanting the best for his daughter even though he feels like he's just fumbling about. But while he's struggling, those around him see how much effort he puts in and can't help but want to support him in turn. I cried several times throughout the series, touched by his efforts in raising Tsumugi, by their shared grief of missing Tsumugi's mom, and by all the different bonds he forms with those around him.

Prompt: I adore the friendship between Yagi and Kouhei.

The series already does such a good job showing the bond between Kouhei, Tsumugi, and and Kotori. I'd love it if Yagi gets some more screen time.

I'd love something that just shows Kouhei and Yagi being close and helping each other over the years, especially as others move on but they're still here for each other.

Food is such an integral part of this series that I'd love to see it show up here somehow too, such as cooking together or someone cooking something for the other person.

Would also adore fic exploring how they became friends, or a fic where Kouhei supports Yagi instead of the other way around.

(I've consumed both the anime and the manga and enjoyed both.)

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astra lost in space, writing community: yuletide, sweetness and lightning, kono oto tomare

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