Title: Remembrance
Fandom: Bokura no Kiseki
Words: 314
Summary: When Minami uses magic for the first time, Hiroki remembers.
Notes: Just something I dug out from my iPad scribblings that I wrote during my last read of BnK. Was planning to make this a longer oneshot following Hiroki because gosh does her character speak to me but the writing ended here, so I guess this is it until my next Bokura no Kiseki marathon read.
Hair a day old, stuck on his uniform.
It was like a wake up call from Kamioka. Here, he was Minami Harusumi, a middle school boy, yet now, more than ever, he could feel the existence of magic pulsing under his skin, telling him that yes, the past was real.
He was Harusumi. He was Veronica. If only he were to touch his middle finger to his thumb, index finger pointing out, offering the strand of hair to the spirits above, magic would answer his call.
"Oh spirits, heed me..." he chanted in the language from his memories, gibberish to everyone else.
The bathroom exploded in light and water. All he could do was stare while the upperclassmen bullies got blasted against the walls.
Magic was real. He was real.
Kamioka fretted over him, the bruise on her cheek still stark. He felt his heart swell at the sight of her. If not for her, he wouldn't have thought to give magic a try, thus confirming that his memories were real.
At a completely different middle school, at the same time Minami Harusumi used magic for the first time, Hiroki Yuu froze in the middle of the hallway as a beautiful smile from a different lifetime suddenly flashed across her mind.
Her (his?) hand reached out, placing a crown of flowers on that person's head.
Past that important person was his other most important person, his brother.
He (she?) stumbled forward, almost hitting the wall when someone bumped into him (her?). Hand scraping against the hallway wall, Hiroki Yuu came back to the present accompanied by a sharp pain. Hand. Heart. The pain cared not.
She stared at her bleeding hand, the dripping tribute to the spirits going to waste.
Ah, I was reincarnated. I must have died by magic.
In her first year of middle school, Hiroki Yuu remembered her past.
the end
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