FEH Arena

Feb 26, 2018 23:46

I managed to stay in Tier 20 this week! \o\ For the first time after the Book 2 update! After Fjorm, blessings, boosted BSTs, and all that bumped the threshold higher, my team really couldn't make it. But since Soren happened to be an arena bonus unit, and it's Earth season, I managed to get to 5,062 for my score~. My highest score so far. Ranked 4,695 out of 5,554, screenshot taken with 20 minutes left.

I still don't know who else to bless and what blessing to give them, but since Ike is the Earth legendary, you bet I was going to bless Soren with the Earth element! (Before Ike's release, I was considering wind...)

The arena updated with a new way of matching people just today. I think I'm getting matched with lower scores now and can't fish for scores on the higher range, but I don't know yet. Probably this could have been my first and last week staying, for a good long while, haha. XD I probably need to work on more merges for Nowi and do something about Olivia. I'm working on a 5* version of her. Might also need to work on another red.

Hopefully Soren's new legendary tome will boost the arena points a bit too. So happy Soren's getting a new tome. ♥ I'm so happy that I might even write fic about Soren getting a new tome, ahahahaha.

Writing wise, I'm almost done with the extra scenes for That Which Was Lost. :3;;; Turns out there will be 12 snippets! o/ I'm on snippet 10, so, sooooon.

This entry was originally posted at https://lucathia.dreamwidth.org/352423.html. You can comment here or there.

medium: games, fire emblem

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