My Friend, the Pope (in-training) translation, LSK fanfic doujinshi "Second Life"

Nov 25, 2014 19:02

SilverManjusaka updated the Chinese translation of My Friend, the Pope (in-training) with chapter 2! You can read it below.


I really need to update this fic. :'D;

Recent stuff I bought! Well, not so recent anymore, but I finally got around to taking pics~. LSK fanfic doujinshi "Second Life", Key of the Sunken Moon artbook, several Japanese manga, and LSK V3 (new version).

There's this really popular crossover fanfic between Legend of Sun Knight and Unique Legend called "Second Life." There's even fanfics of this fanfic about! I bought the first 5 volumes. They're super thick. (So so epic. I wish I could write like this). You can find the fanfic over here. The basic premise is that Grisia and all the others died and reincarnated in the Unique Legend world. The first part of the story has them finding each other, while later parts of the story incorporate more of the Unique Legend world.

Here's the back of the side story volume.

Sample inside title page. Really nice printing! Full size images! If only I can get my books printed like this. :3;;

The first volume has character designs for all twelve of them~~. Grisia is of the angel tribe and Lesus just the opposite. |D;;

As you can see, the inside is filled with text. This is a very long story! It's not like the text is super big or spread out~~

One of the other volumes even has a colored character intro!

This is from a different volume~~

A map. *____* (As I've said, very, very, very epic!)

All of the volumes of Second Life stacked together~.

Guess what. This fanfic is even longer than all eight volumes of LSK put together. Isn't that crazy?? Here they are, side-by-side, for comparison. On the left is Second Life and on the right is the official LSK. The volumes of Second Life are slightly wider and taller, and they are thicker too. The story isn't even complete yet.

Man, this makes me want to print more books. :3;;; But it took me three years to finish Bittersweet... OTL

Recent manga I bought!

Detective Conan Visual Book (so many characters! really nice guide with all the movie posters too)
Kimi to Boku official anime fanbook (I'm not too fond of the anime art, otherwise I'd have bought this earlier)
Kyou kanoko v1 (I love Nakaji Yuki's works~. Very lighthearted usually, and heartwarming)
Sora no Oto (Awww, it's only a one volume series from Tsukuba Sakura, but I'll take it! I hope she draws more. It's a cute but short story)
Oresama Teacher v19 (I'm actually quite behind with the story, but gasp! From what I read of the back, it sounds like we'll finally learn more about Hayasaka's background? Maybe even his first name! hahah)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun anthology (So so happy this got an anime. Now it's a lot more well known. Can I hope for an anime of Oresama Teacher next?)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun fanbook
Akatsuki no Yona v15 (Kusanagi Mizuho's works~~ <33 I'm really happy this is getting animated, and the anime is doing an awesome job! Like with Oresama Teacher and Gekkan Shoujo... I wonder if NG Life, another one of Kusanagi-sensei's works, will ever have a chance... Then again, NG Life is already a completed series.)
Bokura no Kiseki v10 (Reincarnation stories~~)
Aruosumente v4 (The art is super pretty)
Kamigami no Asobi anime anthology (This is a lot of fun)

Bought a random box for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and got a Mikorin. I like all the characters, but I was reaaally hoping for a Sakura!

I bought an artbook for Key of the Sunken Moon from a convention in Taiwan along with the new V3 of LSK. (I had a proxy buy everything for me~) I haven't actually read very far with Sunken Moon, but the artbook is reaaaally pretty! I also bought these character cards. They even came with a card holder. How convenient. :D The artbook came in a box~~

Here's a sample page from the artbook.

Another sample page. You'll see on the left that the artbook package also came with some decorative tape~

Have another sample page. Lots of pretty artwork! (Please collect all the LSK art in an artbook. I would so buy that. I don't know if there's enough art around though)

Sunken Moon seems to have quite a lot of art~~

The artbook even included a full colored comic!

Here's the card holder. I put all the cards in there~.

Sunken Moon was just a side purchase. |D;; I had my proxy go to the convention to buy the new LSK V3 so I could have the poster that came with it! If you bought it at the convention, this volume came with a poster of Neo and Aldrizzt, which you can currently see in my header for LJ. I didn't take a picture of the poster, but it's quite pretty~. I really should hang it up.

Two cards that came with the volume~.

Here's the insert illustration! The poster is the same image~.

The cover of these new versions is removable and transparent. Very cool.

Each volume features 2 character introductions. Elmairy is one of them for this volume! (I feel the perspective is a little weird)

Here's what we're given about him:
Elmairy Leaf
Title: Leaf Knight
Association: Church of the God of Light
Appearance: Blue eyes, green hair, warm smile
Height: 175cm
Quotes: "Okay. No problem."
Fake personality: A good guy.

The other character we're given is Awaitsun! I was wondering who we would get! (Two rapiers. *___*)

So now, we have a full bio for Awaitsun

Title: Silent Eagle
Association: Cathedral of the Shadow God
Appearance: So handsome that men will want to kill him and then dismember him
Height: 180cm
Quotes: "Thank you very much, Sun Knight."
Fake personality: Cold and heartless leader of the dark knights. Treats everyone other than himself as the enemy.

(Everyone is tall, haha)

Blurry pic, but here's a cute pic we have before the table of contents.

Sample inside page. Each page has the same border. Quite pretty!

Novel versions of Ann and Mike!! :DDDD (Leaf, we finally get to see your gf~~~)

Sun's first meeting with Awaitsun.

Neo and Aldrizzt make their appearance. Sun is shocked. XD

The sad Leaf scene. ;____;

Judgment asking Sun what color the bird is, ahhhhhhhh.

Can't wait to see what illustrations we'll get for v4! JU has been plurking the colored pull out illustration. It looks very involved, with at least Sun, Judgment, Ice, and Blaze on it. |D;; (maybe even more characters?)

the legend of sun knight, fic: my friend; the pope, merchandise, fic translation, medium: manga, key of the sunken moon, gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun

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