Title: Invincible, that is the Legend - Chapter 10
Fandom: 1/2 Prince x The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 4,033
Summary: On their way to finish the Dictator, the Execution Squad's "invincible battleship" crashes, separating everyone, landing them on foreign soil in the LSK world. "Those people you killed..." "Does it faze you?"
Notes: Invincible
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Comments 20
I am very eager to return to Sunshine and Sun, though Lolidragon and Yu Lian have also been clamoring for attention! As well as Ming Huang! Gui and Wicked are still wandering around by themselves too, one of the farthest groups from the rest. But we'll probably see the Leaf Bud City crew before the rest. So much to write, haha.
I would love to write something for Female Warrior sometime. :)
How did you guess Lolidragon and Yu Lian's whereabouts? I haven't even hinted at where they are! :O Anyway, very good guess...
Thanks for reading and commenting, Lazula! :)
You just brightened my day. Don't know which one I'm looking forwards to more,
this one or Bittersweet Sweetness.
Don't give up on either of them. I prohibit you to do so >:(
Only two parts left of Bittersweet Sweetness. I really hope I can wrap that up soon. It will be nice to finish at least one long LSK fic. :'D;; I love longfics, but I'm truly quite terrible at timely updates... I'm really thankful to everyone who has been faithfully following along despite how sporadic updates are. ^^;;
I'm also kind of surprised to hear from so many anons already! :O Especially since it has been a year! I thought this fic would've been forgotten already! Thanks for making some noise. :3;
And I want to thank you for the support! I think you were the one to drop by with a message about Invincible some time last year? That was really motivating, thank you! ♥
HAHAHA can't believe you remembered that!
I was also the one to bother you with the books...
I'm a huge fan of Cold Fox x Kenshin. XD;
The NAP squad is in the town of Forest Leaf, while Fox and Wolf are at Leafblade! Forest Leaf is near the border of Forgotten Sound and Moon Orchid, while Leafblade is near Leaf Bud City, but more near the coast.
Here's an updated map~~~
It would've been really interesting if they were in the same town...
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