FE:A and Yu Wo related works

Mar 29, 2013 11:57

Bleh, been sick for the past two weeks. It's kind of just...lingering and hasn't gone away. I was at my worst on Tuesday and was even snapping at people. =___= I managed to survive through work though, and now I have some time off. I immediately crashed yesterday. I slept for 11 hours. XD;;

Fire Emblem Awakening
I still haven't beaten the game! I've played over 90 hours already though (...of course, I'm sure a lot of those hours are from leaving the game on). Still on my first run. o____o I've been building my streetpass team, trying to figure out what skills and weapons would work better in streetpass, and then pitting my team against my brother's. No matter what though, my team won't be the strongest ever since I didn't really put much thought into the children's stats when I paired the parents together. I also neglected to pass down some skills that would have worked better for the children!!!

People I paired together!

I trained the parents so that females who could acquire Galeforce would pass that down. I didn't start right away, but now most fathers are passing down Counter (since it's never available to female children). Counter is really useful in Streetpass. Counter + bow is an awesome combination, especially with Innes' bow since it has great accuracy! Galeforce... Not as useful in Streetpass unless the other person is playing Casual mode, otherwise I'm sure they'd just reset after dying. Vengeance is also pretty good since it has a high activation rate, and my units will definitely be taking a lot of damage from whoever challenges them. So now when I'm setting my Streetpass team, I take out all the skills that are useful in my own playthrough, swapping them for skills that would be challenging for the other player instead. (Vengeance + Vantage might be a good combo) The biggest factor though is accuracy... Gotta have good accuracy or else nothing matters. My brother's team has really good dodge with a lot of breaker skills, so my team can barely hit him.

My favorite skills at the moment for my own gameplay are Galeforce and Armsthrift. Armsthrift means I can equip awesome weapons without fearing they'll break. XD; I trained Morgan as a Sorcerer with Armsthrift using Mire (the only long range magic tome in the game. 3-10 range). It is pretty awesome zapping enemies from afar. He also has Galeforce, which means sometimes he can zap two enemies at once if they're weaker enemies.

I should try to finish the game sometime though. XD; I'm still on chapter 19. I've stopped to train all the parents, thinking that I'd acquire all the children before the next chapter. This is taking a ton of time though... I'm about to give up. :3;;

Just got Yarne. He is so cute. But ahhhhh, I didn't know that Panne doesn't pass down the Wyvern Lord class to her son?! If I knew that, I would have had her at least pass down a skill from the Wyvern related classes. ): Now my Yarne has super limited classes because the Wyvern class became the Barbarian class for him, which is completely useless because Vaike is his father, and he also passed down that class. =/ I'm disappointed, boo. I wanted him to have Lucky 7, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, and Even Rhythm. Figured it would make his dodge pretty good. There goes those plans...

LSK/No Hero/Kill No More stuff/Other Yu Wo stuff
J.U. plurked some character designs for the insert art she'll be drawing for volume 2 of the new Legend of Sun Knight editions. First pic is her version of the princess of the Kingdom of Forgotten Sound. Looks very elegant and high class. :D Second pic is her version of Elijah. He is quite handsome. I like this design. Looks princely! Third pic is Adair!!!!!!! (Yes, this requires several exclamation marks). I'm super excited to see Adair drawn since this means he will be part of the insert art, even if not part of the colored art. This design though... XD; He looks very nonchalant? Like he couldn't care less about what you think of him. =P It's those eyes... He doesn't make me want to trust him, yet supposedly lots of people do. XD; The uniform he's wearing looks a lot like what Sun wears. :D

Here's the manhua version of the princess by Neko Kreuz! Looks like this is the cover for the next bundle.

No Hero volume 8 is coming out next week on 4/2. The artist has changed! I'm not sure what happened to the previous artist, but then, No Hero was only slated to be 7 volumes, yet now it'll be 9 volumes in all, so maybe something was up with the contract? The previous artist was 山鬼 (Shan Gui) and the new artist is 綠川明 (Lü Chuan Ming). It feels kind of weird to have the artist changed in the middle of the series. @__@

Kill No More manhua v1 has been out since February, but I completely overlooked it! I'll be buying this. I hope it turns out good, though I'm a little apprehensive about this adaptation. Will keep my fingers crossed. (I find it strange that the cover features old art from the artist of the novels. I'm pretty sure someone different is drawing the actual manhua... This is deceptive...)

Human Doll Contract. Yu Wo's new series! A supernatural/horror series where the man character can see supernatural stuff through his left eye. I love the art. <3

the legend of sun knight, no hero, yu wo, medium: manga, kill no more, fire emblem, human doll contract, medium: games, medium: light novels

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