Pseudo-cuento de hadas (Skip Beat!)
Kyouko se ofusca por su papel de Bo, y se ve actuando en el cuanto de hadas más ridículo de la historia con el tipo que odia. Aparición especial de Bridge Rock.
Another translation into Spanish by Jenny Flint! This one is of my only Skip Beat! fic. I'm behind with Skip Beat! canon once again, but I've seen that people have had large reactions to the latest chapter. Chapter 195 or something? Sounds like it's time to catch up again.
I want to write mooore. I've been posting fic translation after fic translation, but I haven't been posting any new fic! ): December is already looking to be not a very good fic writing month.
I also wish that typesetters grew on trees. I could really use the help of a typesetter to actually get Kimi to Boku scanlation releases started again. I'm almost desperate enough to typeset the chapter myself. Anyone know of any typesetters looking for work? |D;; Or is anyone willing to freelance for a chapter...