Title: Invincible, that is the Legend - Chapter 6
Fandom: 1/2 Prince x The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,424
Summary: On their way to finish the Dictator, the Execution Squad's "invincible battleship" crashes, separating everyone, landing them on foreign soil in the LSK world. "Good morning, Knight-Captain Storm." "Adair? Thank the God of Light!"
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I've read several LSK chapters multiple times (though I haven't read the entire series multiple times), so I feel like I have an okay grasp on the details... I think. XD It's not the same for 1/2 Prince though, since I've mostly only read through that series once, and it was a very quick reading too since I couldn't put it down, haha. I don't remember everything from 1/2 Prince, but when something seems off, I check back on the novels to make sure. Hopefully, I haven't gotten anything terribly wrong because of this. XD; My memory isn't all that reliable!
Thanks for the feedback. <3 I tend to jump POVs a lot in my stories, and Invincible is no different, haha. I was afraid it might be difficult for readers to follow, since we've nearly had new POVs for every single chapter so far. But I am enjoying getting to explore all these minor characters and their thoughts. :) It is great fun getting to write something humorous too. I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I hope you'll continue to follow it~
Yup, finished breading oth stories in Chinese.
Re-read 1/2 Prince a couple of times but yet I forget the details over time -_-"
Me too! Yu Wo's stories are so gripping that I counldn't bear to put them down so ended up finishing them too soon...T^T
And then I'll re-read them to try and follow the story closer but still end up reading too fast in the end >.<|||
Yup, you bet I will stay around for your story.
It's too interesting to stop! ;p
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