Title: Invincible, that is the Legend - Chapter 6
Fandom: 1/2 Prince x The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,424
Summary: On their way to finish the Dictator, the Execution Squad's "invincible battleship" crashes, separating everyone, landing them on foreign soil in the LSK world. "Good morning, Knight-Captain Storm." "Adair? Thank the God of Light!"
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Had been exploring around to re-read LSK novels in another language (namely English) when I stumbled upon your blog. Was merely contending myself with your photos of LSK merchandise when I stumbled upon this fan-fic of yours.
I love it!
It's awesome :D
Am really impressed by your memory of both 1/2 Prince & LSK details too.
(I've finished reading 1/2 Prince for a couple of years; & LSK for almost a year now so the details have become quite fuzzy...)
-your jumping POV is totally NOT disorganized, ie. the flow doesn't seem disjointed according to my POV as a reader :D
-I love it that you took time (& words) to lay the background for each chapter.
So no worries about getting forward in the plot too much. I'll be patient and follow through your story (you are getting your own fan in me! ;D
No stress though (I'd really hope to read a complete story. In the end).)
-Last but not least, I love the humor you have injected into your story. It has cheered me up just like what LSK did. Great piece you have here!
All the best in your experimenting~
Will be here rooting for you :)
I've read several LSK chapters multiple times (though I haven't read the entire series multiple times), so I feel like I have an okay grasp on the details... I think. XD It's not the same for 1/2 Prince though, since I've mostly only read through that series once, and it was a very quick reading too since I couldn't put it down, haha. I don't remember everything from 1/2 Prince, but when something seems off, I check back on the novels to make sure. Hopefully, I haven't gotten anything terribly wrong because of this. XD; My memory isn't all that reliable!
Thanks for the feedback. <3 I tend to jump POVs a lot in my stories, and Invincible is no different, haha. I was afraid it might be difficult for readers to follow, since we've nearly had new POVs for every single chapter so far. But I am enjoying getting to explore all these minor characters and their thoughts. :) It is great fun getting to write something humorous too. I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I hope you'll continue to follow it~
Yup, finished breading oth stories in Chinese.
Re-read 1/2 Prince a couple of times but yet I forget the details over time -_-"
Me too! Yu Wo's stories are so gripping that I counldn't bear to put them down so ended up finishing them too soon...T^T
And then I'll re-read them to try and follow the story closer but still end up reading too fast in the end >.<|||
Yup, you bet I will stay around for your story.
It's too interesting to stop! ;p
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