Update for
colors_tcg done. Check.
September update posted for
Prince Revolution. Check.
Set up
Chocobanana Scanlations. Check. (Help, we need more cleaners! I just want to see Kimi to Boku to the end. ♥)
Finally, free time to write some fic... Sometimes I wish I only wrote fic! :3;; Not enough time to do everything! Also, why aren't people responding... /worries at progress. I'm not good at managing so how did I end up managing all these different places... ORZ. Too many fandom responsibilities. XD I feel like I've probably forgotten to do some things too. If I don't answer or do something right away, I tend to forget... but what have I forgotten...
I can't believe
yuletide has started! There's a
fandom brainstorming post and a
nominations planning post up. Nominations start September 24! I'm not sure what I'll be nominating yet (SKET Dance for sure, but I don't know about my two other fandoms. Perhaps a book fandom? Though recently I've only been reading Taiwanese light novels XD. Hm, I wonder how popular Sword Art Online or Moonlight Sculptor are, as the only non Taiwanese light novels I've been reading, haha. Or perhaps a TW drama...but I doubt anyone has seen the one I'm currently watching, since it hasn't been subbed). I've been browsing the fandom brainstorming post, afraid I wouldn't be able to find a fourth fandom for my requests, or that I wouldn't be able to offer enough fandoms to write, but I think I'll be fine! There have been a few suggestions I wouldn't mind writing or requesting. Magi for one. :D I'll possibly be requesting Magi as my fourth if that nomination does happen! Also considering Fate/Zero if Waver and Rider are the ones that end up being nominated like the person said since they're my favorites too. \o\
Noblesse 249
I just love it so much when M-24 pointed out to M-21 that he's changed. Even his bearing. And then M-21 was all thinking, "I've changed?" I like to think that M-21 lets himself be more at ease now, that his expressions are softer. This is one of my favorite things to write about, someone becoming more comfortable with themselves, their surroundings, and their companions but not necessarily noticing until someone else points it out. And then sudden realization! Yes, I've changed, huh, fancy that. ♥ M-24 is also glad for M-21. While M-21 kind of doesn't respond to that and just lets it hang in the air, haha. Their interactions are so cute.
I've been thinking I need to write an appreciation post for Arctic Fox. :D Though it would contain spoilers for the remaining 1/2 Prince chapters. Hm. :3