Legend of Sun Knight spin-off

Jul 10, 2012 15:36

I was browsing Kingstone yesterday and saw some new LSK merchandise advertised, though they weren't on sale just yet, and Sun had short hair...so it couldn't be Sun! It had to be the next generation! akdjfla; There weren't any large pics up yet though, but now there are! Sun, Storm, Judgment, and a cleric (Sun's sister, I believe).

I'm keeping an eye on this Kingstone link and ordering everything once they're released. kjl;dfalskdkfja;

You can find these at the following online stores between 7/13-7/22. 博客來(創意生活)金石堂(禮品)巴哈姆特(商城)遊戲基地(買東西)Yahoo(影音DVD)Pchome(DVD). I've only purchased from the first two before, so I don't know about how the rest work. Kingstone usually ships overseas, but they don't do that for special event items like these.

KLADJFA;SDFA; HOW ARE THEY SO CUTE? I can't wait to read about them (there's no publish date yet for the actual novels though). There have also been a ton of cute plurks about these characters with snippets of what's to come. But oh goooosh, the dynamics of this generation!!

Elaro (Sun): He is much older than the rest, like double their ages, so he's like the mommy of the knights. XD; He's very kind, but can also be fairly strict. What a reliable Sun Knight, unlike the 37th and 38th gen! XD

Hungri (Judgment): Hahahaha, he is so snarky, so unlike Lesus. He resents Grisia a ton. I wonder if he gets along with Elaro? la;kdjfa; The way he's drawn here is so cute. Those look almost like cat ears. How does he have any authority like this?

Shuis (Storm): Does everyone of this gen have shorter hair? XD He looks a lot like Ceo! But I guess he also dyes his hair. XDDD

Valica (Leaf): Oh gosh, Elmairy, how did you choose your successor? He doesn't look kind at all!!!! It looks like the next Storm and the next Leaf don't get along well. XDDDD There's an illustration where they're fighting... and there's been a plurk about them fighting too. XD

Ludia: is Elaro's sister. I bet that cleric in the pics is her! Actually, now I'm not sure of her identity!

Two plurk translations of snippets Yu Wo has leaked:

"You're not fighting, are you?" Dili was a little concerned.

Shuis shook his head and shot a look at Valica. "Rooftop?"


Valica knew very well what he meant by "rooftop." In order to avoid having Brother Elaro discover their fights, they often looked for various places to fight. The rooftop of the south eastern corridor of one of the training grounds was conveniently obscured because of the angle. People below could not see the top, but people standing on top of the roof could clearly see the bottom -- if they were to see Brother Elaro, the two of them would immediately stop fighting and run away.

However, in the end, Brother Elaro still found their location. He jumped over from the next rooftop over, grabbed both of them, and then sentenced them to be shut inside the same room for a week.

When they emerged from the room without any missing limbs, the other knights-in-training praised the God of Light's protection one after another.

Dili is Elaro's vice-captain! I wonder if Valica and Shuis really don't get along! I want to know why!!

This next one made me giggle so much. XDD
"Cough!" Elaro suddenly coughed. Under his vice-captain's suspicious gaze, he said, "Dili, I'm going to buy something. Wait here for me."


Dili knew inside his heart that his captain was going out to buy "that thing" again. Ronalyn had also experienced "waiting in his original spot for his captain to return." Dili had always been very curious about what exactly his captain was going out to buy, and he'd also discussed it with Ronalyn before. Although Ronalyn wasn't all that interested in finding out other people's private matters, he still brought up his own guesses.

"Probably perfume."

Dili blinked. "Captain uses perfume? I've never smelled it before."

"When I was sparring with Captain, I once smelled a fragrance from him. The smell was very faint, so you need to be very close to smell it."

"So Captain actually likes perfume..."

Dili felt somewhat conflicted, having discovered yet another practice of his Captain's that didn't fit him. But then, who didn't have somewhat strange interests? It was just that his captain...seemed to have a little too many strange interests.

Maybe he should gift some perfume to his captain on his next birthday? What kind of perfume would Captain like?

"A flower fragrance!" Ronalyn said with conviction. "What I smelled was a flower fragrance!"

"F-Flower fragrance, huh..."

Poor Elaro!!! XDDD The fragrance must be from his facial mask...

Ronalyn and Dili's names are just approximations. Ronalyn really does sound like Ronalyn when you pronounce his name, but I'm pretty sure Ronalyn is a girl's name...

the legend of sun knight, medium: light novels, yu wo, translation

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