Parallelsfic, Colors TCG, 1/2 Prince v6 (new edition)

Jun 03, 2012 11:14

parallelsfic nominations are currently happening! :D Nominations run until June 15th. You can see what's already been nominated and approved here! Parallels is a rare fanwork exchange for Asian sources. Assignments are due on August 1. Fanwork includes fanfic (min is 500 words), fanart (must be at least 500x500px), and vids (must be at least 30 seconds). I'm mostly here for the fic though. :3;; If you love rarer Asian fandoms, I urge you to nominate fandoms and maybe even participate as a writer/artist/creator!

colors_tcg has just made it to its second year! \o/ \o/ \o/ My interest piques and wanes at times depending on motivation and other commitments, but currently my interest is at an all time high. ^___^ There is still a bunch of stuff I need to update, but first let me squeal over how cute the anniversary celebration has been so far! (I'm currently making some Kuroko no Basket decks. :D ...and then maybe I'll finally get around to updating my own very outdated card post OTL) I can't believe it's been two years already!

V6 of the new illustrator of 1/2 Prince is going to be released on 6/11! Features the Dictator of Life on the cover, and he is indeed the keychain as well. :3 I wonder if this is the last volume, or if there's another one after this? Each volume is much larger than the first edition after all, so the end result should be fewer volumes.

Sadly I haven't been able to write much at all the entire week. OTL. My poor WIPs... Currently, I'm doing a round robin with friends. It's my turn at the moment, but my deadline was last Sunday. /o\

writing community, medium: light novels, writing community: parallelsfic, tcg: online trading card game, tcg: colors tcg, yu wo, other

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