5 character meme - the letter D, lucathiaology

Apr 13, 2012 15:14

Livejournal, why do your cuts look so weird now? D: This makes me not want to use LJ-cuts anymore. Anyway, testing delayed/scheduled posting (this is a feature I like)... so people won't know how late I stayed up. *coughs* I was in the middle of finally commenting on people's posts when my keyboard suddenly stopped working (what's wrong??) so the posts are once again going into my saved tabs!

5 Character Meme Redux

1. Leave a comment to this post, specifically saying that you would like a letter.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.

I received the letter D from
darkicedragon. First person I thought of? Darkicedragon! :DDDD But I guess you're not a character. =P

1. Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter

When I read the first book, my image of Draco used to be that he looked like Dudley. At the very least, the Draco I imagined was fat. I remember Harry comparing Draco and Dudley and how they were similar (which I agree about. Dudley and Draco were both spoiled), and somehow I ended up thinking that they looked similar physically too. It wasn't until I chanced upon some random person's miscellaneous thoughts on the net that I finally figured out that Draco doesn't look like Dudley. What did that random person say that enlightened me?
Do you know who I think is the sexiest person in Harry Potter? Draco Malfoy.

I was immediately confused. XD; But that was when I finally adjusted my mental image of Draco. I also came upon fanon's version of Draco, which I both like and hate. I have a thing for antagonists who need saving, and I'd always hoped that Draco would be one of those antagonists that end up changing sides. He never quite got there, but fans sure did tons with his character. I also thought Tom Felton was an awesome Draco~ (though I never liked the slicked back hair).

2. Dominic Sorel from Eureka seveN

I adore his dorkiness. <3333 He's pretty high up in command and is in opposition with the main character... so he should be impressive, yeah? But he doesn't even know how to read a map. And he ends up, sort of, changing sides. I love it when he joined up with Renton and the others! His love for Anemone is also very touching to me. He pretty much made half the show for me. I was sad to hear that his part in the manga... is not so great, so that meant I never did get very far with the manga. His part in the movie... was he even in the movie? I don't remember anymore. The movie wasn't very good...

3. Dino Cavallone from Katekyo Hitman Reborn

I started liking Dino partly because he's voiced by KENN. I also liked him because he's one of the older characters, and I have a thing for characters who are the sempai to the other characters. The... oniisan type, I suppose? I like that he smiles a lot and appears easy to approach. When he was first introduced, the gag he was part of was that he is badass when his subordinates are around, but when they're not, he turns into a complete klutz. This carried over to the serious plotline. I don't feel his clumsiness when his subordinates aren't around has much meaning in the series, but I've seen great fan interpretations that make me love Dino all the more. Perhaps he's insecure. Perhaps he needs a reason to fight or justify violence. Perhaps he feels he may only use his strength for his family. Who knows? I like Dino's appearance and his voice quite a lot, and I feel he also has a great personality~. I hope he shows up more, and I'd really love to see fanwork of him that doesn't always pair him with Hibari. Dino is a great character of his own right too! Hm, with Dominic and Dino both on this list, I wonder if I actually have a thing for clumsy characters...

4. Demos Cloud from the Legend of Sun Knight

Now I'm grasping at straws with D characters. XD; Well not quite, but I really wanted to talk about someone from Legend of Sun Knight! Demos is one of the only characters whose name starts with D, I think? He's not at the top of my list from LSK, but I like him a lot anyways. I like pretty much all of the characters though. XD; If I had to say who I was most like from LSK or whose position I think I could manage, it would have to be Demos. Cloud is a quiet character who doesn't speak much and often fades into the background. Oftentimes, people don't realize he's even there until he announces his presence (a lot like Kuroko from Kuroko no Basket!). He much prefers reading books to socializing, so he's often found hiding away in the library or in closets and cabinets... I can totally empathize with that. He's a fairly mysterious character since we don't get much of his thoughts, but I've always felt that he's just quiet. What I'd give to see more of him!! I find it particularly amusing that we never get to see his face in the novel illustrations of him.

5. Daren Solaris from Eclipse Hunter

I almost couldn't think of a fifth character that started with D! I don't usually think of Daren as "Daren" because I only think of him with his Chinese name, and I'd have translated his name differently... but no matter what, he still fits "D" since his other alias is Dark Sun. Both D's! Daren is... gosh, where to start? Despite having so much of his POV in Eclipse Hunter, sometimes I still can't wrap my mind around him. He's a half android because of his father who hid him away and did lots of modifications on him so that he could serve his older brother Devon. This means that his emotions are very stunted by the time we meet him after Devon rescues him, so he has a lot to rediscover. Daren is just so adorable in his explorations of the world with his innocent questions, yet in the very next moment, he can change into his Dark Sun persona and he will kill anyone who dares to harm his older brother Devon without batting an eye. The gap between his two personalities is quite huge, but they're both him. He is quite a fascinating character. By the time we meet him again in No Hero, he's changed somewhat, but he's still mostly the same. It's really cool to see how he's come along~. I liked Daren a lot in Eclipse Hunter, but I feel a bit more removed from him in No Hero because he's not the narrator or the main character there. I wish we could be in his mind again!

I got tagged by absolutehymn007 for this ology meme. Have some Lucathiaology! That is way too long a name...

THE RULES: Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to wipe out my answers and supply your own. After, choose at least 10 people to be tagged. If you were tagged, it's because I want to know more about you.

(I'm not tagging anyone... whoever wants to do it... =P)

Let others know a little more about yourself! Re-post this as your name followed by "ology".


1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Ranch. I always use ranch. Either that, or no dressing.

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
I go to salad buffets like Sweet Tomatoes and Fresh Choice the most, though I wouldn't say they're my favorite... |D;; I don't eat out very much, but when I do, I usually just go for cheap food.

3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Rice. Eggs. In fact, I eat rice and eggs every single day... The eggs are usually prepared differently though. Steamed, boiled, fried, etc.

4. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Cheese. Definitely just cheese! The taste is totally different when other toppings are added! I've gotten to like pizza with other toppings too more recently, but I still like plain cheese the best.

5. What do you like to put on your toast?
Sliced cheese... though I've cut back on that because cheese makes me break out. D: So now I mostly just eat my bread plain without anything... I have jam sometimes, but I'm not actually fond of jam.


1. How many televisions are in your house?
Er, let me count, two in the family room, three in the living room, three upstairs, I think we threw away the others... that makes eight???!! Only two are newer TVs though, while all the others are outdated TVs that we never threw away or donated. Should try to get rid of some when donation days roll around again. It's not like we ever turn those TVs on.

2. What color cell phone do you have?

3. How many computers are in your house?
Time to count once again. I have three computers (two old ones), one netbook, one laptop... my dad has two computers, my mom has two computers and two laptops... that's eleven, haha... Usually I have my computer turned on the entire time I'm home. Same goes for my parents (my mom even has both of hers on all day), so we always have at least four computers burning electricity...

4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?
A vague idea, but I don't care too much about it. XD;


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Not really.

3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
I don't remember. Groceries? I think it was groceries...

4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
I don't think I was entirely unconscious, but I didn't quite know what was going on either. This was back in second grade. I had just exited the classroom when a boy ran me over. Well, he was just running and knocked into me. That was enough to send me flying. I remember I hit my head and had to be carried to the office. =/ *sigh* Being too light is not always a good thing...


1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
No, it would totally hang over me and I would be too conscious of the date. Whenever I have things scheduled, I always feel pressured until the day of, and the after the day, I would feel relieved without needing to care about missing the date. I wouldn't want to know my death date because I know it would make me overly conscious and unable to think about anything else. Though it would also not be a good feeling to die without knowing death was coming. =/

2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I wouldn't want to change my English name because I'm so used to it. My Chinese name is a different matter though because it sounds like "collecting money". Seriously, collecting money? (BTW, my brother's name sounds like "new money" hahaha). I actually find it kind of amusing now... but yeah... XD;; I guess it's cool how unique our names are because I certainly haven't met anyone else with the same name.

Though if I really had to change my name, I've always thought Ann or something similar would be a fitting name since it sounds like my Chinese nickname. I like my online handle quite a lot, so maybe something like Luca would be cool too.

3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Never. I don't think I would even be able to drink one mouthful of hot sauce! I don't think I'm physically capable of doing it. I'm super weak against spicy food (never invite me to eat spicy food). Not even for 1k would I drink hot sauce...


1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
I don't wear flip flops. I have bought two pairs to use in cosplay though. I thought I could use them as the base for shoes, so I cut them apart. I never did use them though.

2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Can't remember this happening. I've had to call 911 before though.

3. Last person you talked to?
My parents just now.

4. Last person you hugged?
I haven't initiated any hugs, but I was tackled by a lot of students. Elementary kids seem to like flying tackles... and I'm not supposed to hug them back, so lots of awkward one handed hugs from me...


1. Season?
Spring~. I don't like extreme weather. Summer is too hot. Winter is too cold. I don't like rain either. Spring is great especially since I'm not allergic to pollen.

2. Holiday?
Chinese New Years, though I don't get any days off for it here. Every year, new years means a new year has started, but it isn't until a month or two later when Chinese New Years happens that I feel the new year has truly started.

3. Day of the week?
Thursdays! Thursdays used to always be minimum days from school, so I would get to go home early. Now that I'm teaching elementary school (as a substitute teacher), minimum days are still the best. Minimum days for teachers are used for planning, but since I'm not a regular teacher, I still get to go home early, haha.

4. Month?
May because it's my birthday month. ;) Also, I always look forward to Fanime each year. That convention takes place at the end of May. During university, May wasn't exactly my favorite month since it meant finals, haha. Well, no more finals for me!


1. Missing someone?
Not too much.

2. Mood?
Frustrated at myself!

3. What are you listening to?
Nothing. I'm not very big on music. As for other stuff I'm listening to, I listen to rajipuri every week, or at least try to. I sometimes miss weeks though.

4. Watching?
Kimi to Boku 2. SKET Dance. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. Area no Kishi. Hiiro no Kakera. Hunter x Hunter. Kuroko no Basket. Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki. Recorder to Randoseru. Rurouni Kenshin Shin Kyoto Hen, Shirokuma Café, Uchuu Kyoudai

Still need to finish: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, Hanasaku Iroha, Kaiji, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Level E, UN-GO, Working'!! (this list is getting longer and longer...)

Plan on checking out Sakamichi no Apollon, Ginga e Kickoff, Accel World, and Eureka seven AO!

Non-anime, I'm only following the Amazing Race at the moment. Oh, and Avatar: Legend of Korra.


1. First place you went this morning?

2. What's the last movie you saw?
At the theaters, that would be the Hunger Games! It made me want to read the books.

3. Do you smile often?
I think so? But I don't often smile super widely or show any teeth.


1. Do you always answer your phone?
Yes, even numbers I don't know because I never know who they might be from! Only times I don't answer is when I don't have my cell phone next to me for some reason, or when I accidentally leave it on silent.

2. Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
I don't think anyone would text me at four in the morning. I don't even get texts much because people know my text plan is very limited... so if I do get a text, it's probably something very urgent.

Now if you're asking me about who I would get emails from at 4 in the morning, that would be a different story. =P

3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Green. Emerald green! (*coughs* like Kurama's eyes)

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
I've only been to Sonic twice... I don't think I've ordered any fancy drinks before. I think I just had coke? I don't drink much soda anymore now. I like orange Fanta.

5. Do you own a digital camera?
Yup. A boxy one... around the size and shape of Ivory soap? I got it years ago during one Black Friday and haven't gotten a new camera since. I think some people's smart phones can take better photos than my camera...

6. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Quite a lot! I had a beta fish before, but it didn't live long. After that, I've had lots of pond fish. Koi and goldfish. All the koi have died (from raccoon attacks and from other reasons). Now I only have goldfish in the pond. They're all so fat... I hope they don't die from eating too much. I saw that there was one baby fish! I'm so proud of it! That it was able to survive from such a tiny thing and grow into adulthood outside in the pond! But now I can't tell which fish is the baby fish anymore because it's grown up and all...

7. Favorite Christmas song(s):
We Wish You A Merry Christmas. I remember liking it when I was young because the lyrics were the easiest to remember for me, haha.

8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Celebrating with friends~. A smart phone maybe? My phone is terribly old. Though what stops me from getting a smart phone isn't the price of the phone but rather the price of data plans...

9. Can you do push ups?
Sort of. I can't do very many.

10. Can you do a chin up?
No, I don't think I can, and I've never attempted before. I remember falling off monkey bars, so errr, let's just say if I can't even go across monkey bars, I don't think I can actually pull myself over the bars.

11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Nervous. I just wish time would slow down! 2012 so far has not bee a good year. Lots of close friends and relatives getting hurt or sick.

12. Do you have any saved texts?
Only because I never delete my texts unless they're spam.

13. Ever been in a car wreck?

14. Do you have an accent?
I probably do. Well, everyone has an accent to people from different places. There is no one without an accent. But if asked if I have an accent to people from my region, I possibly have a slight Asian accent. I don't feel I do, but to other people's ears, they could probably hear it! I speak Mandarin at home, so that affects my pronunciation a bit. To people from other places, I would have a Californian accent. I speak my vowels differently than people from other regions. I pronounce caught and cot the exact same way.

15. What is the last song to make you cry?
Songs don't make me cry, but scenes that songs go with can make me cry. I don't remember any particular instances, but the Chihayafuru OST gives me all sorts of emotions (even if it doesn't make me cry outright).

16. Plans tonight?
Writing more of Bittersweet Sweetness. Catching up with comments and translations. Packing stuff to bring to my brother's house for his LAN party tomorrow.

17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes. During those times, I cry my heart out. I don't exactly feel better after crying (I think I actually feel worse) but life goes on...

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
If I had done this meme right when I was tagged, then I could have actually answered with stuff! Because I had just gone to Kinokuniya! So my answer would've been manga (Akagami no Shirayukihime v7, Aozora Yell v8, GFantasy April) and ramen.

But yesterday I bought nothing.

19. Have you ever been given roses?
Friendship roses back in high school... those were the yellow ones.

20. Current worry?
Finding a full-time position! I've kind of fallen into despair over this though.

21. Current hate right now?
The job market.

22. Met someone who changed your life?
Hm, not really. Nothing all that profound. No one comes to mind straightaway!

23. How will you bring in the New Year?
Probably with the same old me. The years pass by, yet I feel I haven't changed much or done anything profound!

24. What song represents you?
I have no idea... I know too few songs and don't pay attention to lyrics enough...

25. Name three people who might complete this?
No idea! If you want to blab about yourself, please do~ :3

26. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I would probably do it, but I don't think much would change in my life. I'd probably just tell my younger self to be more active and to go out and do things. Enjoy college more! Cherish friendships and keep in touch with people better! Even though I would tell my younger self this, even now, I'm still bad at keeping in touch...

27. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
I've never dated before. /lonely person

28. Does anyone love you?
My family.

29. Ever had someone sing to you?
Does happy birthday count...?

30. When did you last cry?
I cry very easily. Even a sad or touching scene in a movie or book can make me cry, though I don't consider that full out crying as only a few tears fall. Uncontrollable crying... let's not talk about that.

31. Do you like to cuddle?
I do. Hence why I have so many pillows, haha... but many people assume I don't. I think I appear standoff-ish and cold?

32. Have you held hands with anyone today?

33. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Mostly old friends. I don't make friends very easily.

34. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Yup. But mostly only because I feel it's probably more nutritious.

35. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living at home. Hopefully with a full-time job!

Somehow I sound... very jaded? OTL

Yu Wo posted part 3 of No Hero v7! More of Daren and his butler~. :D She has also plurked a hilarious story about Judgment. She owed one of her writer friends 2 stories, so she's been working on that. One is a BL story. She posted it locked in her blog, but the password is in the entry itself. XD; I don't think I actually know the characters. The second fic she owed was "Judgment doing it himself" which a lot of people read as "Judgment doing himself..." OTL. Stop it with the dirty minds!! |D;;; In the end, Yu Wo decided to write "a day in the life of Judgment", so we get to follow Judgment for a full day. :D She challenged herself to writing the story in real time through plurks, so I was watching gleefully as each plurk went up. The story has been awwwwweeeesome so far because we get to stalk Judgment! I can't wait until she completes it (she stopped at one point and went to sleep and said that she'd finish up the rest and post it to her blog). The story takes place after volume 8's conclusion. Three years, to be exact! So it'll be quite a while before we ever see this translated. ^^;; I'm really loving this revisiting of the LSK characters. I really hope she'll write more of the LSK verse.

Also, new No Hero merchandise will be sold between 4/20 and 4/29 (preorder).

medium: anime, the legend of sun knight, hp, yu wo, memes, reborn, medium: light novels, eclipse hunter, medium: books, eureka 7

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