Noblesse 226, A Game of Thrones, Sket Dance

Mar 06, 2012 01:29

They assembled! XD;

Or well, this is more just about the RK-4 in general than about chapter 226. *slaps down pics of each of them with their masks from the recent chapters* I just...can't stop laughing at their masks.

No. 1

Tao~ ♥ So, chapter 226. More of Tao fighting. (I was just...giggling really hard when it looked like he might get some clothes damage too, but in the end, I think his clothes were alright).

No. 2

I wondered who he'd go to help, Tao or M-21? He seemed quite stuck before help came.

No. 4

M-21 is flying all over the place

And finally, No. 3!

When did Regis manage to get his mask?

These masks truly hide nothing at all... *stares at Regis' hair* His eyes seem to stand out more with the mask on too. Those are some red eyes!

I'm loving that smile on M-21's face here. :3

A Game of Thrones
Mm, I checked out a digital version of A Game of Thrones from my library. I was on a waiting list for it! (I thought there would be more copies available than that). I only have the copy for 21 days... I don't think I'll be able to finish the book in 21 days. It's so long! (I haven't started reading yet. I'm already daunted...)

Sket Dance
...I caught up with the anime. /mopes

Tsubaki became my favorite character. :D ♥ And then he became even cuter as the series went on. (I also love that Shimono Hiro voices him). Episode 47 ended on such a cliffie, arrrrgh, so I went and read the manga. -___-;; And then I couldn't stop. Because there was so much about Tsubaki, ahhhhhhh. I've been good with Chihayafuru and Natsume Yuujinchou and haven't gone seeking the manga to find out what happens next, but I think it's because I've been watching them weekly, so I've gotten used to waiting. Sket Dance, on the other hand... since I was marathoning it... -_____-;;

This series makes me laugh and cry. I've fallen hard. XD; (And Tsubaki~ ♥) Expect more fangirling posts from me. XD I bought the fanbook over the weekend. Good thing I didn't read it until after I read some of the manga because the fanbook details a lot of the characters' pasts/family/etc. :3;; The fanbook also has huuuge lists of characters, even super minor characters (even the fictional characters like Liberty Maji), and they all have birthdays set for

I've really liked the opening and ending songs of Sket Dance, and how they change quite often. The Sketchbooks are also awesome! I love that guy's voice~. I mostly only skimmed manga chapters that have already been animated. The anime follows the manga pretty closely, though the order of some chapters is different. I can't wait to see the next few episodes.

medium: anime, sket dance, a song of ice and fire, medium: manga, medium: books, noblesse

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