Natsume Yuujinchou San
I have fallen so behind with anime watching that I haven't been watching anything lately. I've tried to keep up with Natsume, but I fell behind with that too! I played catch up this week though, and now I'm just two episodes behind. The episodes quite relax me.
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Ah, I was under the impression that Aiba was in the most productions! But this was probably a while back before newer shows were included in the count too. Giri Giri Morning sounds fun. :D
Dramatic is one way to sum up middle school. I like the lower elementary grades for a similar reason to why you like middle school band. They're so eager to learn, and so excited about getting to read and such. Upper elementary also has its perks since students are readier for more challenging things, though it's a bit sad that some students are already losing their interest in learning by this point (this is very dependent on what teachers they've had). It's wonderful that students in band get to be part of something where they feel like they belong and can make a difference! :D
Haha, I have a problem with the tone I adopt for different grade levels. Cutsey tones make me tired, while I tend to become more robotic when teaching higher grades. I need to find a balance!
Eeek, your internet speed is what I'd expect of mine if it were on the verge of stopping. I'm glad you have some wifi spots you can frequent!
I'm not too familiar with LA itself, but I can definitely show you around the convention since I've been going for a few years! Though I have no idea if they'll change locations for 2013. If they do, then I'll be just as lost. XD;
I don't know how armor is supposed to be made. I've never tried before! I made Ike's POR outfit for my brother... *digs around for pics (here they are!) but didn't have to do any armor for that. Seth and Geoffrey would both require armor! XD; Soren's complicated version? Do you mean his PoR outfit, or his archsage outfit?
Haha, I would laugh a lot if you imitated all of those characters while cosplaying Sanada. XD
Ah, Tales of Symphonia! Yup, "Judgment" always makes me think of ToS too because of Kratos and that spell of his. :) Now since I'm so addicted to LSK, I mostly only think of Judgment as the Judgment Knight. XD; There are also other knights that reminded me of names from other places first, like "Cloud" Knight. Sure made me think of Final Fantasy VII first. ;)
Giri Giri is lovable and pretty darn hilarious. I only wish I understood more of what is going on. But yeah, the trio of Kane - Baba- Kento Ono is fantastic!
I feel that if I was teaching another subject, I would like the lower grades a bit more for the same reasons you do :) It's very exciting to hear that you're so passionate about learning in general. I've met quite a few teachers (or want-to-be teachers) that are not in it for the right reasons and that's depressing :(
It's the first time in five years where I've had to deal w/ dial-up for more than three months. 'Cause my university had wifi and so did my apartment. Lol.
Then we shall be lost together! XD
*looks at pictures* !!!!! The costumes are just so well done! EEEEEE!!!! The Path of Radiance one that I used for FE!Yanagi. I can't picture his archsage outfit in my head right now
I'll even do an imitation of Yukimura for you too! I love making people laugh :)
He is so much boss when he casts Judgement. REST IN PEACE SINNERS! But my favorite moves to use with him are Grave and Thunder Blade just to hear him say it and also for the powerful noise effects it makes. I'm always so sad when he's gone part of the game! Even if it is plot-essential gah. And I wish Yuan was a playable character.
Ahahaha - Cloud. Amazing. :D
---> About Kane, Captain of East Honmoku... He doesn't say too much in it nor does he shoot the basketball, but when he does talk, it's either really charmingly funny or manly!Sanada roaring. XD
That sounds like a fantastic trio for Giri Giri... I should try to catch it sometime! I've only caught one live (radio) show from nico nico for KENN and Morikubo Shoutarou. It's hard to catch something live. XD; I should make use of their recording system. I think they allow us to record and watch it once.
That's the joy of lower grades! :)
Thank you about the costumes! :D I'm glad Ike doesn't have armor in his POR outfit, though he does have that chest armor... thing? No idea what to call that, but I just made it out of leather. I like all three of Soren's outfits. His archsage outfit looks quite cool. It's a palish green, I think, very light colored unlike his other outfits. There's no official art of it though, just in game shots...
Sanada doing an imitation of Yukimura!?? XD;
Ahhh, Yuan would have been awesome to have as a playable character. :)
I can't wait to see Kane in the Dear Boys musical. I haven't actually seen any of his roles outside of Tenimyu, so this will be a treat!!
Somebody has been putting up videos of Giri Giri on the tenimyutopia community if you want to watch past ones. They're all quite hilarious. #1 has the funniest "Petenshi" corner (I think). #5 has Charades (or what they call 'Gestures') and that was a ton of fun too. #6 also has Round 2 of Charades/Gestures. Basically, you can't go wrong with them
I'm not very familiar with Nico nico so I don't know about their recording system. And unfortunately, no one else records any of the other Tenimyu-actor shows (but thank Kami no Ko that Giri Giri is recorded for the poor dial-up soul that is I!)
Speaking of leather, I just really really really want the Rikkai leather wristbands. More than almost anything. I just can't sew anything T.T But it's on my to-do list to find someone who could make me a pair when I have the money!
You know, the archsage outfit is coming back in my memory.... sorta. Now I need to put in the game and see tomorrow. I think Sothe looks super sweet in his coat, but no official art has him in that. Poor Kirihara got stuck w/ the super midriff outfit But Yanagi does give him the coat in a later chapter ;)
Yuan is so.... conflicted. He's the Snape of ToS!!! Well, so is Kratos. It's probably why I like them both so much! XD And the fact they're magic sword wielders + angels. *flails*
Might I recommend something to you?
The Shinjuku movie w/ KenKen, Kane, Mamo, and Kawai in it. The storyline is a bit fast (and a little choppy in places), but it's quite endearing and funny... and a bit crazy silly. Plus it has little kids in it! It's personally one of my favorite things I've seen.
Those shows sure sound like a lot of fun. I'll have to dig around tenimyutopia! I've seen mentions of it a lot but haven't actually gotten into the shows.
There seems to be quite a few shows by Tenimyu actors about now? I'm not good at catching them. XD; It's great Giri Giri is being recorded. *___*
Oh, Rikkai leather wristbands! I didn't have that for my cosplay. XD; But that sounds like something you could find someone to make. :)
I don't remember Sothe's outfit much other than the one that shows his midriff, haha... (poor Kirihara =P )
Ah, huh, I can see the comparison of being the Snape of ToS. XD; Magic sword wielders plus angels. Can't go wrong with that!
That Shinjuku movie sounds fascinating. *____* (And it has Kawai in it, eeeeee!!) Okay, I'm definitely watching this sometime.
I haven't gotten into any of them save Giri Giri because I am unable to stream video. I really want to see at least one of Boogie Woogie Night (Kato Kazuki, Yagami Ren, Kime). That just seems like it would be interesting. Btw, there is one called "Mmm... Ecstasy" LOL.
I want to wear leather wristbands everywhere. It would be boss lol. And for sure playing tennis in them XD
The coat one does show his midriff, but not as much. And it has long sleeves verses his sleeveless vest. Yanagi gets him the coat for the approaching winter (class promotion!). Poor Jackal is stuck with the sleeveless outfit look during the winter though. Maybe Marui could get him a coat too? :D But Boyd has those spiked shoulder pads if I remember right...? Will check on that later.
I didn't know you liked Kawai? :D Loved him seeing Gekokujou and being Hiyoshi. Ended up loving him more while watching the movie 'cause 1) He dresses all formal the entire movie and 2) His cold, 'I don't want anything to do with this even though I keep getting involved' personality is <3
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