Colors TCG is open for prejoin!

May 13, 2010 19:05

colors_tcg, a multifandom character TCG, is now open for prejoin with 50 colorful decks. :3 I'm surprised there were quite a few people who joined today already. I didn't think a lot of people knew about the TCG. Looks like my initial goal of 15 members might be very easy to reach. |D

CSS help! Does anyone know how I can fix the website for Colors TCG so that it looks right in IE? It looks fine in Firefox and Chrome, but in IE, the menu isn't centered (it falls near the bottom). My CSS is quite a mess. Here's the stylesheet. I just kept changing and tweaking things until it sort of looked right for Firefox.

Now that Colors TCG is underway, I need to stock up on some twistserve_tcg decks by making a ton of them, fufufu. Listening to Tenimyu songs and making Tenipuri decks is the best. ^__^ I already finished listening to my weekly Rajipuri...I can only make around 1-2 decks with each Rajipuri episode. XD I love the Minagawa + Hosoya combo for this month.

tcg: online trading card game, other

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