I died laughing. I think this DVD requires several decks over at
twistserve_tcg, haha. XD; (Anyone capping this? ♥)
I didn't watch all the FGKS and On My Way performances (wow, they were sure performed for a lot of times), but each part would make a good deck. (I always think in terms of deck making lately...) I've always liked solos better than group songs like these, but it was cool hearing Ueshima talk about his thoughts behind the songs. *__*
My favorite is during the Minna de Asobou part where the five of them were imitating each other. XDDDD I was kind of dying over how each of them said Yagyuu's name (imitating Nakagauchi). Baba Ryouma's was pretty cool. The others... XDDD Actually, all of Baba Ryouma's imitations were pretty cool. "Mada mada dane" with his pinky sticking up, lol. Does Ryuuki really do that?
Their chosen lines:
Ryuuki: Mada mada dane (with his hand pulling down an invisible cap, small smile)
Kane: Tarundoru (quiet and serious, but he looked like he was about to smile)
Baba Ryouma: Yudan sezu ni ikou (pushing up his invisible glasses, slight nod at the end, haha)
Yoshihide: Aahn, ecsta~cy~! (with his right arm coming down in front of his face...everyone was going "Whoo!")
Nakagauchi: Ya~gyuu. (lol, what? Not what I was expecting)
They then decided to try each others' characters.
Ryuuki: Arms crossed, deep voice, but he was smiling at the end. Was cool! XD Nakagauchi clapped.
Baba Ryouma: deep voice, sounded just like he usually does for Tezuka. Everyone mentioned that he sounded like Tezuka.
Nakagauchi: ...high, with a drawl. Hahahahaha. Guess it would be what Niou would sound like if he said "Tarundoru."
Yoshihide: arms crossed, pretty cool, with a slight lilt and a smile. LOL. What a pretty tarundoru...
Kane: I'll just say everyone laughed and fell to the floor.
Ryuuki: very high voice said in one tone, hahaha.
Yoshihide: I don't know, but his sounds really weird too. Everyone talked about how fun this was after this. XDD
Baba Ryouma: LOL! He did the beckoning pose! He could pull off Niou...
Yudan sezu
Ryuuki: deep voice, everyone went "Whoaaa". XD It was cool!
Nakagauchi: deep voice, arms crossed, but I don't think it sounded natural for him. XD
Yoshihide: Everyone's going with deeper voices. It fits him!
Kane: pretty normal voice for him. Just like Sanada's.
Ecstasy (Yoshihide jumped up when he suggested this, hehe.)
Ryuuki: He had one pinky up. XD; Was cool.
Nakagauchi: a very sloow and quiet ecstasy. Yoshihide even had to wipe his hand on his shirt from all the excitement of watching everyone do this. XD
Kane: knelt down and just said ecstasy normally, ahahahaha. Ryuuki pointed at Yoshihide (who had fallen to the floor because of Kane's rendition of ecstasy) and said that Yoshihide-kun got broken again.
Baba Ryouma: I think he got it down. XD; But his voice was fairly deep. Certainly channeling a little of Tezuka, haha. He turned around and tried to stop himself from laughing right after.
Mada mada dane
Nakagauchi: very quick and high mada mada dane.
Baba Ryouma: pretended he had a hat and greeted them before he started. XD His mada mada dane was a lot like Ryuuki's! And he kept pretending to fix his hat with his pinky in the air, hahahaha.
Yoshihide: I liked his. XD Sounded very confident. Nakagauchi fell over in laughter...when he stood up, he said that Yoshihide was fixing his hat and sticking his lower body out. Yoshihide denied this.
Kane: Even before he started, Baba Ryouma said he couldn't imagine it. Kane stopped because he messed up right from the start since he's the only guy with a right handed character. He finally said "Mada mada dane" in a fairly high voice. He sounded good...except his expression... XDDD Everyone snickered. Yoshihide went "Ah..." XD And Baba Ryouma pointed at that Yoshihide did that twice.
I had a good laugh out of this. ♥