Title: A Matter of Time
Day/Theme: 01 a trivial accident precipitated events which time had been holding in suspension for ages
Series: Yu Yu Hakusho
Character/Pairing: Yukina, Shiori, Kurama
Rating: PG
Words: 353
Notes: for
31_days_exchnge. Manga canon. Spoilers for the end of the series. One day, I need to write a long YYH fic.
After Enki began his rule and the barrier came down, curious demons began trickling into the human world. Nowadays, it wasn't unusual to see pointed ears or bushy tails in the crowd, small things that most humans passed off as hobbies. The demons' entry into the human world was gradual, but it was happening. At first, most humans didn't believe in demons. They believed in aliens more than demons, if the sighting of Hiei that was reported in the newspaper were any indication. However, as more and more demons ventured into the human world, humans had no choice but to take notice.
Now that demons were more common in the human world, Yukina often lended her powers to restaurants who wanted ice sculptures or to ice rinks who needed some fresh ice. She was careful not to use her powers out in the open, but she was unafraid to use her powers in front of her friends. She often did so in Kazuma's apartment even when Kazuma's parents were present.
She forgot, however, that Shiori still didn't know about Kurama.
It happened during a picnic. Yukina cooled down the beverages for everyone using her powers, her lightest touch coating the entire box in ice. Shiori gasped and exclaimed wondrously that she hadn't known Shuichi had friends with such powers. How exactly had they met?
That broached a topic Yukina didn't quite feel she could answer. After all, Kurama hadn't ever told his parents about his missions. Yukina could have fabricated a story and told Shiori that they had met through some mundane way, but she was terrible at spinning tales. She realized that Shiori had said nothing about demons, but the more Yukina tried to explain, the deeper she dug herself.
When Shiori smiled and commented that she wished Shuichi would use his power in front of her more openly, Yukina relaxed and smiled back.
She had nothing to worry about.
Kurama said not one word from where he was sitting far out of normal human hearing range. Instead, a leafy branch extended down in front of Yukina and Shiori, handing Shiori a beautiful, budding rose.