Gossip Girl 3.01 Take Two

Sep 19, 2009 13:58

It's been awhile since I've done a recap (2.04 I think) but here's 3.01:

Chuck and Blair shrugs  they're still playing their games.  I like it better when they're scheming to bring someone down.

Jenny - well she was in it with terrible hair, but really she was just there for Eric.  I love Eric and I suppose we have to see him with someone, but doesn' t he have a boyfriend?  Jenny, you can be his hag.

I haven't missed you Dan.  Those sunglasses look stupid on you, so never where them again.  Ahh, Rufus, I have a soft spot for you and you're looking good for an old guy.

Nate and that chick from Privileged.  shrugs  I think this could be a good Nate storyline (it's been so long since we've had one) but seeing Joanna Garcia as Bree is weird.  I do like the political rivalry of the two families though.

Is Vanessa still in this show?   WHY??  I really couldn't give a damn about any of her storylines and girl, you're still looking like shit.

Good to see, Serena back from her holiday, cute outfit and wasn't it nice of Rufus to save her from the nasty paps. ;)

"You left America a star but after your exploits in Europe, you've come back a supernova."  I still love you Gossip Girl.

Rufus you're a good dad, but you know you want to get into Serena's pants. :P  But seriously, Rufus is a good dad most of the time, but I would like to see an interaction between him and Eric by themselves.

Oh, Dan, you're still a judging so-and-so as you ever were.  You're so annoying and as if Serena is going to tell you any of her problems when you've proven in the past what an ass you are.

Yay, a scene with Nick and Chuck.  It's good to see these besties still being well ... besties.  And then the next scene is with my favourite besties S & B.  I love the relationship of S & B and thought it was good of Serena to voice her concern over the games Blair and Chuck are playing.  Also, loved Blair 's 'I know what you did this summer and who'.

Dan and Vanessa - who cares?  The only person who makes Dan remotely interesting is Blair and nothing makes Vanessa likeable.  So lonely boy is being picked up in a limo.  Welcome to the dark side, Humphrey.

Thank God, Carter is back.  You are FINE boy.  Yummy.  You're the only guy who is worthy of being with Serena, besides Chuck.  I loved that cute little evil laugh when he said 'I was in the neighbourhood'.    Serena, why are you running away from him?   Getting your dress off is cool, but you have to take Carter's clothes off too so you and he can make wild love together.  You know he's only there because he wants to fuck your brains out, so let him.

Nate, take the car.   Don't complain about it, just take the car, dude.

Vanessa - again and Scott.  Oh yes, that's Lily and Rufus's love child.   I hope you're screwing Vanessa over and just using her to get to know your biological family so you can then dump her ass.

Chuck and Blair - more games.

Jenny and Eric in Brooklyn - take out Jenny and Brooklyn and it makes for a much better scene.  Although, we did learn about CeCe.  Please don't die CeCe.  I really like you, you're the first Carter/Serena shipper and you're evil in a good way.  TPTB killed off Bart (who I adored) they can't get rid of you too.  (Well, they can, but I don't want them too.)  Hopefully it's just a plot device for Kelly on maternity leave.

Ahh, Rufus you've finally found out about Serena's European adventures.  Why was Dan in that scene with Rufus confronting Serena about it?  I know it fitted in with the plot, but that's just rude.  You don't discipline one child in front of the other and really Rufus, you know you wanted to put Serena over your lap and give it to her.  What?  Oh right, that was another R/S fantasy of mine. ;) (Did you see those looks he gave her though?  It was pure lust.) :P

Dan you only want to know who's the lucky guy getting into Serena's panties because you fucked up your chance of getting anymore of that.  And really, you've got nothing on Carter.  I did like how you called Blair straight away to help get rid of Carter though.  You know you're nothing without Blair.

Why was Scott looking at his birth certificate while talking to his mother?  Weirdsome.

Ahh, the charity polo match.  All pretty people wearing pretty clothes.  Oh look, Serena is being escorted by Rufus.  I knew they had a thing. ;)  By the way S, you look fucking hot!  Love that dress on you.

The Grandfather returns.  I like him.  Ooh Privileged girl looks so uncomfortable, but Nate I told you to keep the car.  I know you've lost heaps of your brain cells from the weed, but you must learn to listen and obey.  Did being Catherine's manwhore teach you nothing? (Just a quick aside, if it wasn't for your family's money, Nate, there's no way in hell you could have got into Columbia.  But that's okay, we like looking at you because you're so darn pretty).

Who would have thought to put that little mint green dress with that pink hat on Blair?  Eric Daman the costume designer, that's who and I think it works well.  Blair and Chuck, yep okay.

Vanessa you really shouldn't be here.  You don't belong anywhere near the UESiders and you look like a dog. So go back to your kennel!  Even Dan thinks the same when he sees you. (OK, maybe not about you looking like a dog, but he knows you should stay where you belong - in a kennel).

Blair you kicked Vanessa to the curb.  Love you, Blair.  "If you don't mind, or even if you do. Dan's coming with me."   You know you just want to get Humphrey alone.

Scott, honey, you look dorky but I'm not judging you yet.   Oh my god, you were so overwhelmed meeting Rufus for the first time you couldn't shake his hand.  I'm feeling your anxiety, but be careful.  It's making you look stalkery.

Carter's back - thank god.  We need his hotness.  After the unpleasantries he immediately asks, "Where's Serena?" because that's the important thing.  Blair has served Carter with a restraining order - very clever B.    Serena comes along to see what's happening and she and Carter have so much going on but Blair and lonely boy can't keep up with it.  (In all seriousness, Carter looked hurt when Serena said he was stalking her).   Nacho the polo dude (I can't be expected to spell his name right, can I?) comes over to save Serena from an interrogation.  Carter shows how much the restraining order means to him when he throws it away as he leaves.

A bit of Rufus and Scott (Rufus should have known when Scott said he was a fan that he wasn't being legit.  I mean Lincoln Hawk have no fans.) ;)

Ooh Serena you've stolen a horse.  You look gorgeous and everyone's in shock.  He-Who-Is-HOT-Carter *borrows* another horse and follows you.  Chuck, you don't look happy?  Is it because Carter Baizen is chasing your property?  You had your chance and now the only time I'll see you and S together is in my imagination or fanfic.

Nate and Bree in the stables.  I can't deal with you now, I want to know about Carter and Serena and you're interrupting it.  .

It's so pretty there in the woods and Serena's orange dress is a great contrast to all the greenery.  S, you've been crying.  Carter's here now to make it all better.  Oh, so Serena is doing all the pap escapades so Daddy VdW will notice her.  Carter's here to make her realise the truth, but Serena can't accept it yet.  "Who the hell is he not to want you?"  Carter you rocked my world with that line and then, "I would have stayed all summer - with you."  Carter you are in love!!   And then, she grabs him by the neck and kisses him. Squee   Then she leans back and looks at him oh so lovingly and that look tells us that Serena is in love too. Squee.  Serena touches Carter's collar and then he kisses her - with tongue and then they walk off so they can fuck make love in the woods.  The best scene in GG history to me because an actual couple that I ship had an emotionally charged love scene. Josh Safran you wrote it well.

The grandfather is here again and he's just called Tripp.  Ooh I hope they bring him back again, even though I can't remember what he looked like but since I read a great Tripp/Serena angst fan fic, I've been a fan of his. ;)  The grandfather is scheming with Tripp - I like that.

Blair have you lost Chuck Bass already.  From your description, it sounds like Chuck left with Serena but since she's having sex with Carter in the woods, that can't be true.  What a shame!

Vanessa is upset with Dan - blah blah blah.  Dan's getting annoyed - blah blah blah.

OMG, shirtless Carter.  You see, he is so HOT!!!    Oh he's lost Serena.  She must have worn him out with their *riding* in the woods.  Good girl, although Serena honey, you should have stuck around for the encore.   Maybe she did get a lift home with Chuck - that would explain everything. ;)

Looks like my imagination is going overboard again because then we see Blair walk into Chuck's suite,he's all alone.  Oh well, there's always the limo I guess.

Vanessa and Scott kissed - who cares?

Rufus pays off all the paps bar one for the pics of Serena on the horse.  Blair and Chuck playing games but I quite like the waiter and rich bitch role playing one.  Serena calling Daddy VdW but she's not even sure this is his number.  Ooh she's paying the pap to get her pictures in Asia and Europe to get her Papa's attention.

I can't wait for next week. Hopefully we'll get at least one Chuck and Serena scene. xoxo

gossip girl, serena/carter

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